Fig. 5. Mechanism of creating, erasing and converting type-I (up) polarons.
a Tunneling current on a clean CoCl2 region with decreasing tip height Δz at 1.5 V. The initial tip height Z0 is set at 1.5 V/10 pA. The abrupt current change hallmarks creating a type-I (up) polaron. The inset shows a schematic of the tip electric field. b Bias dependent threshold value of Δz for creating type-I (up) polarons. The red and black data sets are obtained with two different tips, and red and black curves are fitting to the respective data. c Tunneling current on a type-I (up) polaron as a function of Δz at −1.7 V. The abrupt current increase in current hallmarks erasure of the type-I (up) polaron. d Bias dependent threshold value of Δz for erasing type-I (up) polarons. The dashed line is a guide for the eyes. e Tunneling current with Δz recorded during conversion from type-I (up) to type-I (down) polaron. f Similar as (e), but for conversion from type-I (down) to type-I (up) polaron.