Figure 3 |. Association of baseline digital features with post-transplant graft outcomes in the Genomics of Chronic Allograft Rejection (GoCAR) cohort.
(a) Heat map of time-dependent area under the curve (AUC) values in predicting death-censored graft loss (DCGL) by Banff scores and digital features at different time intervals in baseline biopsy slides (n = 317). Numbers and yellow-red color range of boxes represent AUC values at given time points. (b) Kaplan-Meier curves of DCGL in high, intermediate, and low risk groups stratified by the Interstitial and Tubular Abnormality Score (ITAS) from baseline biopsies (n = 317). Baseline ITAS groups are defined as high, ITAS > 0.6; intermediate, 0.1 ≤ ITAS ≤ 0.6; and low, ITAS < 0.1. P values are calculated by log-rank test. (c) Average estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) values over time within 12-months post-transplantation per baseline ITAS risk group. Error bars represent ×0.1 SD from mean values. (d) Bar charts demonstrating proportions of delayed graft function (DGF) and no DGF (upper) and 3-month post-transplant Chronic Allograft Damage Index (CADI) >2 or ≤2 (lower) among 3 baseline ITAS risk groups. P values are calculated by Fisher’s exact test.