Predicting pain chronicity: Optimized input variable sets and performance metrics
Model | Optimized variable set | Variable description | Accuracy (95% CI) | AUC (95% CI) | Sensitivity (95% CI) | Specificity (95% CI) |
Artificial neural network (ANN) | V00PCTALCH | Block Brief 2000: daily percent of calories from alcoholic beverages (kcal) (calc) | Testing: 78% (77%, 80%) Training: 84% (83%, 84%) | 0.81 (0.79, 0.82) | 81% (79%, 83%) | 73% (70%, 76%) |
V00SF8 | SF‐12: how much did pain interfere with normal work (include work outside home and housework), past 4 weeks | |||||
V00SF3 | SF‐12: how much health limit climbing several flights of stairs | |||||
V00NARCOT | Q50e.Used strong prescription pain medications (e.g., narcotics) for joint pain or arthritis more than half the days of the month, past 30 days | |||||
Support vector machine (SVM) | V00PCTALCH | Block Brief 2000: daily percent of calories from alcoholic beverages (kcal) (calc) | Testing: 78% (77%, 79%) Training: 94% (94%, 94%) | 0.83 (0.81, 0.84) | 82% (80%, 84%) | 72% (69%, 74%) |
V00BONEFX | Doctor ever said you broke or fractured bone after age 45 | |||||
V00HSPSS | SF‐12: physical summary scale for the MOS 12‐item short‐form health survey (SF‐12) v2 (calc) | |||||
V00RXNSAID | MIF: Rx NSAID use indicator (calc) | |||||
V00SF8 | SF‐12: how much did pain interfere with normal work (include work outside home and housework), past 4 weeks | |||||
V00SF3 | SF‐12: how much health limit climbing several flights of stairs | |||||
V00NARCOT | Q50e.Used strong prescription pain medications (e.g., narcotics) for joint pain or arthritis more than half the days of the month, past 30 days | |||||
Random forest (RF) | V00PCTALCH | Block Brief 2000: daily percent of calories from alcoholic beverages (kcal) (calc) | Testing: 76% (75%, 78%) Training: 76% (75%, 77%) | 0.83 (0.81, 0.84) | 85% (83%, 86%) | 70% (67%, 73%) |
V00SF8 | SF‐12: how much did pain interfere with normal work (include work outside home and housework), past 4 weeks | |||||
V00SF3 | SF‐12: how much health limit climbing several flights of stairs | |||||
V00NARCOT | Q50e.Used strong prescription pain medications (e.g., narcotics) for joint pain or arthritis more than half the days of the month, past 30 days | |||||
Logistic regression (LR) | V00BONEFX | Doctor ever said you broke or fractured bone after age 45 | Testing: 76% (75%, 78%) Training: 77% (76%, 77%) | 0.80 (0.78, 0.82) | 83% (80%, 85%) | 66% (63%, 69%) |
V00SF8 | SF‐12: how much did pain interfere with normal work (include work outside home and housework), past 4 weeks | |||||
P01BPTOT | Total days in bed and/or limited activity due to back pain, past 30 days (calc) |
Abbreviation: AUC, area under the receiver operator characteristic curve.