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. 2023 Feb 14;6(2):e1248. doi: 10.1002/jsp2.1248


Predicting pain chronicity: Optimized input variable sets and performance metrics

Model Optimized variable set Variable description Accuracy (95% CI) AUC (95% CI) Sensitivity (95% CI) Specificity (95% CI)
Artificial neural network (ANN) V00PCTALCH Block Brief 2000: daily percent of calories from alcoholic beverages (kcal) (calc) Testing: 78% (77%, 80%) Training: 84% (83%, 84%) 0.81 (0.79, 0.82) 81% (79%, 83%) 73% (70%, 76%)
V00SF8 SF‐12: how much did pain interfere with normal work (include work outside home and housework), past 4 weeks
V00SF3 SF‐12: how much health limit climbing several flights of stairs
V00NARCOT Q50e.Used strong prescription pain medications (e.g., narcotics) for joint pain or arthritis more than half the days of the month, past 30 days
Support vector machine (SVM) V00PCTALCH Block Brief 2000: daily percent of calories from alcoholic beverages (kcal) (calc) Testing: 78% (77%, 79%) Training: 94% (94%, 94%) 0.83 (0.81, 0.84) 82% (80%, 84%) 72% (69%, 74%)
V00BONEFX Doctor ever said you broke or fractured bone after age 45
V00HSPSS SF‐12: physical summary scale for the MOS 12‐item short‐form health survey (SF‐12) v2 (calc)
V00RXNSAID MIF: Rx NSAID use indicator (calc)
V00SF8 SF‐12: how much did pain interfere with normal work (include work outside home and housework), past 4 weeks
V00SF3 SF‐12: how much health limit climbing several flights of stairs
V00NARCOT Q50e.Used strong prescription pain medications (e.g., narcotics) for joint pain or arthritis more than half the days of the month, past 30 days
Random forest (RF) V00PCTALCH Block Brief 2000: daily percent of calories from alcoholic beverages (kcal) (calc) Testing: 76% (75%, 78%) Training: 76% (75%, 77%) 0.83 (0.81, 0.84) 85% (83%, 86%) 70% (67%, 73%)
V00SF8 SF‐12: how much did pain interfere with normal work (include work outside home and housework), past 4 weeks
V00SF3 SF‐12: how much health limit climbing several flights of stairs
V00NARCOT Q50e.Used strong prescription pain medications (e.g., narcotics) for joint pain or arthritis more than half the days of the month, past 30 days
Logistic regression (LR) V00BONEFX Doctor ever said you broke or fractured bone after age 45 Testing: 76% (75%, 78%) Training: 77% (76%, 77%) 0.80 (0.78, 0.82) 83% (80%, 85%) 66% (63%, 69%)
V00SF8 SF‐12: how much did pain interfere with normal work (include work outside home and housework), past 4 weeks
P01BPTOT Total days in bed and/or limited activity due to back pain, past 30 days (calc)

Abbreviation: AUC, area under the receiver operator characteristic curve.