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. 2023 Jun 20;17(3):15579883231178753. doi: 10.1177/15579883231178753

Table 1.

Included Publications and Extracted Data

Author Year Title Country Study aim Study design Population Sample
Aguilar, R. B. 2012 Managing type 2 diabetes in men United States Exploration of coping strategies of men with type 2 diabetes Review Men with type 2 diabetes NA
Ahlmark, N., & Dindler, C. 2017 Mænd i København. Formativ procesevaluering af peer-til-peer projekt for mænd i risiko for type 2 diabetes Denmark Evaluation of a peer-to-peer intervention directed at men at risk of type 2 diabetes Evaluation consisting of participant observation, individual interviews and focus groups Men working as peers and single men at risk of type 2 diabetes Ten men recruited as peers and three male peer participants
Arnskov, K., & Diabetesforeningen 2019 Treatment of type 2 diabetes (Behandling af type 2 diabetes) 2019 Denmark Study of gendered differences in perceptions and self-management of type 2 diabetes Survey Members of a Danish diabetes patient organization 715 men and women
August, K., & Sorkin, D. 2010 Marital status and gender differences in managing a chronic illness: The function of health-related social control United States Exploring the influence of social network (spouse) for management of type 2 diabetes Survey Married and unmarried patients with type 2 diabetes 1447 patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes
August, K., Kelly, C. S., & Markey, C. H. 2021 Reciprocity and personality in diet-related spousal involvement among older couples managing diabetes: The role of gender United States Exploring the role of gender for spousal involvement in patients’ management of type 2 diabetes (diet) and the influence of personality traits on experiences with spousal support Cross-sectional study based on a survey Couples in which at least one is diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 148 couples
Broom, D., & Lenagh-Maguire, A. 2010 Gendered configurations of diabetes: from rules to exceptions Australia Investigating how gender influences the experiences of self-managing type 2 diabetes from a relational perspective on gender Interviews Men and women living with type 2 diabetes 119 men and women
Cherrington, A., Ayala, G., Scarinci, I. et al. 2011 Developing a family-based diabetes program for Latino Immigrants: do men and women face the same barriers? United States Examining the barriers and facilitators to diabetes self-management among Latino immigrants with diabetes and gendered differences Focus group interviews Latino men and women 21 men and 24 women
Fekete, E. M. 2007 Gender and illness role influences on social control interactions and psycho-social well-being of couples living with type 2 diabetes United States Exploring spousal support using social role theory—examining patterns of interactions and psychosocial well-being of couples in which one is diagnosed with type 2 diabetes Survey Couples in which at least one is diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 240 patients and spouses
Gafvels, C., & Wandell, P. E. 2006 Coping strategies in men and women with type 2 diabetes in Swedish primary care Sweden Exploring coping strategies among men and women with type 2 diabetes in relation to demographic, medical, socioeconomic and psychosocial situation Survey combined with analysis of medical data Swedish-born patients with type 2 diabetes 232 men and women (121 men/111 women)
Hawkins, J. 2019 Type 2 diabetes self-management in Non-Hispanic Black men: A current state of the literature United States Mapping the scope and content of research focusing on self-management of type 2 diabetes in Non-Hispanic Black men Literature review Publications focusing on non-Hispanic black men’s experiences NA
Hawkins, J., Mitchell, J., Piatt G. et al. 2018 Older African American Men’s Perspectives on Factors That Influence Type 2 diabetes Self-Management and Peer-Led Interventions United States To advance an understanding of the intersections between age, race/ethnicity and gender on self-management of type 2 diabetes in older African American men. Focus group interviews African American men above the age of 55 12 African American men
Hawkins, J., Watkins, D., Kieffer, E. et al. 2015 Psychosocial factors that influence health care use and self-management for African American and Latino men with type 2 diabetes: an explorative study United States Exploring the psychosocial factors that influence management of type 2 diabetes and use of health care among men of color with type 2 diabetes Focus group interviews African American and Latino men Nine African American men + 13 Latino men
Helgeson, V., Naqvi, J. B., Seltman, H. et al. 2020 Links of communal coping to relationship and psychological health in type 2 diabetes: actor- partner interdependence models involving role, sex and race. United States Examining relations between relationship and communal coping and psychological functioning among couples in which one was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes Mixed methods 200 couples 46% black, 45% women
Hjelm, K., & Bertero, C. 2009 Social support as described by Swedish people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus Sweden Exploring the influence of social support on foreign-born persons living with type 2 diabetes in Sweden in relation to gender, age and duration of disease Mixed methods Foreign-born adults diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 34 foreign-born men and women
Hurt, T., Francis, S. L., Seawell, A. H. et al. 2020 Revising Diabetes Programming for Black Men and Their Families United States Exploring the educational needs of men living with type 2 diabetes from a social marketing theory, assessing preference strategies and examining their relation to food Focus group interviews African American men 4+9 men
Hurt, T., Seawell, A. H., & O’Connor, M. 2015 Developing effective diabetes programming for black men US Obtaining feedback from participants in a program to reduce the impact of type 2 diabetes among Black men Focus group interviews Black men with, at risk or affected by type 2 diabetes 20 Black men
Jack, L., Toston, T., Jack, N. H., & Sims, M. 2010 A Gender-Centered Ecological Framework Targeting Black Men Living with Diabetes: Integrating a Masculinity Perspective In Diabetes Management and Education Research United States To offer a gender-centered ecological framework (a theoretical framework) that can help examine relations between sociodemographic factors, family, knowledge, psychological and biological health, health behavior and masculinity for type 2 diabetes outcomes Conceptual development Black men with or at risk of type 2 diabetes Not stated
Jack, L. Jr. 2005 A candid conversation about men, sexual health and diabetes United States A call for more male-focused research on the sexual complications following type 2 diabetes, in particular how masculinity norms shape perceptions of male sexual roles Review NA NA
Liburd, L. C., Namageyo-Funa, A., & Jack, L. Jr. 2007 Understanding “Masculinity” and the challenges of managing type 2 diabetes among African American men US United States Exploring illness narratives of African American men with type 2 diabetes with a specific focus on how masculinity intersects with self-management of type 2 diabetes In-depth interviews African American men living with type 2 diabetes 16 men
Mansyur, C., Rustveld, L., Nash, S. G. et al. 2016 Hispanic Acculturation and Gender Differences in Support and Self-Efficacy for Managing Diabetes United States To determine whether support, social norms and associations with self-efficacy vary by gender and language-based acculturation in Hispanic women and men with type 2 diabetes Survey Hispanic women and men with type 2 diabetes 248 women and men
Mathew, R., Guccicardi, E., De Melo, M. et al. 2012 Self-management experiences among men and women with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a qualitative analysis Canada Understanding the gendered differences in diabetes self-management, focusing on barriers, needs and challenges Focus groups and individual interviews Women and men diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 35 patients with type 2 diabetes (51% female and 49% male)
Miranda, A., Garcia, D. O., Sánchez, C. et al. 2020 Health and type 2 diabetes perspectives of at-risk, Mexican-origin males (HD-MxOm): a qualitative study United States Exploring perspectives on type 2 diabetes, focusing on barriers to engaging in health behaviors and the impact of culturally rooted practices of masculinity for males of Mexican origin Mixed methods Men of Mexican origin at risk of type 2 diabetes 15 men of Mexican origin
Morgan, E. H., Graham, M. L., Folta, S. C. et al. 2016 A qualitative study of factors related to cardiometabolic risk in rural men United States Examining the knowledge of modifiable cardiometabolic risk factors among rural men in the United States and identifying concerns and motivations to reduce risks of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases Focus group interviews Overweight/obese and medically underserved men in rural Montana 54 men
Ponzo, M., Gucciardi, E., Weiland, M. et al. 2006 Gender, ethnocultural, and psychosocial barriers to diabetes self-management in Italian women and men with type 2 diabetes Canada Exploring the relations between gender, ethnocultural factors, family support, depression symptoms and illness perceptions for self-management of type 2 diabetes Focus group interviews Italian immigrants with type 2 diabetes 50 Italian men and women
Sandberg, J., Trief P., Greenberg, R. et al. 2006 He Said, She Said: The Impact of Gender on Spousal Support in Diabetes Management United States Exploring gendered differences in experiences of support from spouse to further self-management of type 2 diabetes Semi-structured interviews Couples in which at least one is diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 74 patients and their spouses
Seear, K. H., Lelievre, M. P., Atkinson, D. N. et al. 2019 “It’s Important to Make Changes.” Insights about Motivators and Enablers of Healthy Lifestyle Modification from Young Aboriginal Men in Western Australia Australia Exploring how young Aboriginal men make significant healthy lifestyle changes In-depth interviews Aboriginal men Four Aboriginal men aged 20–35 years
Sherman, L., & Williams, J. S. 2018 Perspectives of Fear as a Barrier to Self-Management in Non-Hispanic Black Men With Type 2 Diabetes United States Examining the relationship between fear and self-management of type 2 diabetes in Non-Hispanic Black men Semi-structured interviews Non-Hispanic Black men 19 men recruited from barbershops
Sherman, L., & Fawole, T. 2016 The more I do, the better I’ll be: The treatment preferences of type 2 diabetes among African American men United States To obtain knowledge of African- American men’s preferred strategies for managing type 2 diabetes Individual interviews African American men 19 men