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. 2023 Jun 6;16(6):1087–1104. doi: 10.1111/eva.13565


An overview of the software and methods presented throughout the review, divided by the methodological incongruence they attempt to address.

Name Software or method? Citation
Model selection
Modeltest‐NG Software Darriba et al. (2020)
ModelFinder Software Kalyaanamoorthy et al. (2017)
Akaike information criterion Method Parzen et al. (1988)
Bayesian information criterion Method Neath and Cavanaugh (2011)
Rogue sequence
RoguenaRok Software Aberer et al. (2011)
Phyutility Software Smith and Dunn (2008)
Booster Software Lemoine et al. (2018)
Bootstrapping Method Hillis and Bull (1993)
Partition addition bootstrap approach Method Struck et al. (2006)
Permutation test Method Thornton and Desalle (2000)
Leaf stability index Method Thorley and Wilkinson (1999)
Transfer bootstrap Method Lemoine et al. (2018)
Problematic sequences
Canary sequence method Method Fleming et al. (2020)
Partition Coalescence support Method Chandonia et al. (2004) and Liu et al. (2010)
Blobtools Software Laetsch and Blaxter (2017)
CroCo Software Simion et al. (2018)
OrthoMCL Software Li et al. (2003)
PhylotreePruner Software Kocot et al. (2013)
TreSpeX Software Struck (2014)
Branch length heterogeneity
K‐score Software Soria‐Carrasco et al. (2007)
Treeshrink Software Mai and Mirarab (2018)
Aligroove Software Kück et al. (2014)
Slow‐fast method Method Brinkmann and Philippe (2008)
Long branch score Method Struck (2014)
Locus‐specific sequence subsampling Method Rivera‐Rivera and Montoya‐Burgos (2016, 2019)
Compositional heterogeneity and site saturation
Phylobayes posterior predictive tests Software Lartillot et al. (2009)
BaCoCa Software Kück and Struck (2014)
SRH test Method Naser‐Khdour et al. (2019)
Chi‐squared test for compositional heterogeneity Method Cummings (2004)
RCFV Method Kück and Struck (2014)
Patristic distance linear regression Method Nosenko et al. (2013)
Convergence values Method Kück and Struck (2014)
Saturation index Method Duchêne et al. (2021)
Recoding strategies Method Hernandez and Ryan (2019) and Smith et al. (2009)