Relative telomere length
Calculated for each individual as the ratio of telomere repeat copy number to a stable copy number gene (RAG‐1) using quantitative real‐time PCR. Log10‐transformed. Used as both response and continuous predictor variable |
Relative TERT expression
Calculated for each individual as the ratio of TERT gene cDNA concentration to the concentration of a stably expressing reference gene (EF1AB) using quantitative real‐time PCR. Log10‐transformed. Response variable |
“High nutrient” treatment (analogue carcass pellet addition) or “low nutrient” treatment (without pellets). Five streams per treatment. Categorical predictor variable |
Individuals were assigned as male or female using a conventional PCR sexing assay. Categorical predictor variable |
Body mass
Somatic mass (±1.0 mg) of each individual measured upon recapture in the field when aged 1+ (i.e., ~15 months old). Continuous predictor variable |
Centered_Density was calculated as the number of 1+ salmon captured within each subsection of stream (5 m long) divided by the area (m2) of that subsection. Mean_Density was also calculated for each stream. Continuous predictor variable |
Flow Index
Index of water velocity. Centered_Flow Index was calculated for each stream subsection, with values ranging from 1 (100% still water) to 6 (100% torrent). Mean_Flow Index was also calculated for each stream. Continuous predictor variable |
Centered_Depth was calculated for each stream subsection based on the average of 10 depth measurements (m). Mean_Depth was also calculated for each stream. Continuous predictor variable |
Granulometric Index
Index of substrate size. Centered_Granulometric Index was calculated for each stream subsection, with values ranging from 1 (100% sand) to 6 (100% bedrock surface). Mean_Granulometric Index was also calculated for each stream Continuous predictor variable |