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. 2023 Mar 28;114(4):354–366. doi: 10.1093/jhered/esad002

Table 3.

Species accounts in which “genetic rescue” was mentioned in USFWS Recovery documentation.

Scientific name Common name Lead Region ESA listing status Taxonomic group GR index GR status Assisted migration scenario(s) Outcome
Aphelocoma coerulescens Florida scrub-jay Southeast Threatened Birds 4 Implemented (1) ~50 Florida scrub-jays translocated from sites within the same metapopulation to an existing population of ~15
(2) Eight jays translocated from a large central FL population into a small and isolated population of ~75 on the Atlantic coast
(1) Population expansion but decreased heterozygosity due to high success of a few immigrant jays (Fitzpatrick pers. comm)
(2) Ongoing, TBD
Brachylagus idahoensis Columbia Basin Pygmy Rabbit Pacific Endangered Mammals 4 Implemented Columbia Basin Pygmy Rabbits crossed with Idaho Pygmy Rabbits in captivity then released to the wild along with Pygmy rabbits from 4 other states Genetic rescue in captivity (increases in vital rates; Elias et al. 2013); population expansion in the wild, but intensive management needed due to wildfires and high levels of predation (Nerkowski 2021)
Puma (=Felis) concolor coryi Florida panther Southeast Endangered Mammals 3 Implemented Eight female panthers from a different subspecies introduced to resident FL population of 34 inbred individuals Genetic rescue; increases in population size, heterozygosity, decreased signs of inbreeding (Johnson et al. 2010)
Ambystoma bishopi Reticulated flatwoods salamander Southeast Endangered Amphibians 2 Considered N/A N/A
Drymarchon corais couperi Eastern indigo snake Southeast Threatened Reptiles 0 Considered N/A N/A
Eremophila alpestris strigata Streaked Horned lark Pacific Threatened Birds 2 Considered N/A N/A
Oryzomys palustris natator Silver rice rat Southeast Endangered Mammals 3 Considered N/A N/A
Oncorhynchus clarkii seleniris Paiute cutthroat trout Pacific Southwest Threatened Fishes 2 Considered N/A N/A
Thomomys mazama glacialis Roy Prairie pocket gopher Pacific Threatened Mammals 2 Considered N/A N/A
Thomomys mazama yelmensis Yelm pocket gopher Pacific Threatened Mammals 1 Considered N/A N/A
Thomomys mazama pugetensis Olympia pocket gopher Pacific Threatened Mammals 2 Considered N/A N/A

Assisted migration or captive outcrossing for purposes of genetic rescue were implemented in 3 species. “Genetic rescue” was considered in 8 additional species.