CO detection profiles of CODP-10x series. (A and B) Turn-on fluorescence response of CODP-102 (500 μM) to CO gas (0–100 nmol) in a headspace vial at 1 h (λEx = 394 nm, bandwidth = 5 nm); (C) Regression of SNR vs. concentrations of CODP-102 at 1, 10, and 100 μM in PBS; (D) Selectivity of 20 μM CODP-102 in pH 7.4 PBS (species: 1: vehicle; 2: Cys; 3: GSH; 4: GSSG; 5: H2O2; 6: H2S; 7: H2S2; 8: HClO; 9: NO2−; 10: CN−; 11: 1% CO gas in air at 1 atm (concentration of other species was 100 μM) after 1h incubation (λEx = 395 nm, bandwidth = 5 nm); insert: image of incubation solutions; (E) CO detection kinetics of CODPs. 800 μL 12.5 μM CODPs was mixed with 200 μL 1 mM CO saturated PBS at T0, and the fluorescence intensity at 509 nm or 499 nm was recorded every second at 25 °C; insert: expanded range of 0–240 s.