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. 2023 Jun 25;16(2):108–114. doi: 10.3400/avd.oa.22-00131

Table 4 Operative findings.

Case Reason for surgery BAV to ope. (days) Performed ope. Anesthesia Ope. time Bleeding volume
1 EVT failure 11 BKPOP-mPL bypass General 425 150
2 EVT failure 7 F-PT bypass Block 295 160
3 Anatomy 19 F-Dp bypass General 418 470
4 EVT failure 9 CFA patch & iliac POBA General 130 20
5 EVT failure 7 BKPOP-Dp bypass General 223 130
6 Recurrence of CLTI after EVT 8 AKPOP-PT bypass General 185 60
7 Anatomy Not performed

BAV: balloon aortic valvuloplasty; ope.: operation; EVT: endovascular treatment; BKPOP: below the knee popliteal artery; mPL: medial plantar artery; F: femoral artery; PT: posterior tibial artery; Dp: dorsal pedis artery; CFA: common femoral artery; POBA: plain old balloon angioplasty; CLTI: chronic limb-threatening ischemia; AKPOP: above the knee popliteal artery

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