Distribution of the children based on the time of caries diagnosis and caries severity between 1 and 6.5 y of age. (A) The study groups according to the caries status per time point. The gray horizontal arrow shows the time interval in years between each time point. At T1 (age 1 y), children were divided into 4 groups by their caries status: 1) CFAT group (n = 50, green rectangle), children who remained caries free (International Caries Detection and Assessment System [ICDAS] = 0) at all time points (T1–T4, thus between age 1 and 6.5 y); 2) C6.5 group (n= 38, blue rectangle), children first time diagnosed with caries (ICDAS ≥ 1) at T4 (thus at 6.5 y) but caries free at T1, T2, and T3 (age 1, 2.5, and 4 y); 3) C4 group (n= 70, gray rectangle), children first time diagnosed with caries at T3 (4 y) but caries free at T1 and T2; and 4) C2.5 group (n= 75, yellow rectangle), children first time diagnosed with caries at T2 (2.5 y) but caries free at T1. At T2 (age 2.5 y), the children were divided into 5 caries groups: 1) CFAT (n = 50); 2) C6.5 (n= 38); 3) C4 (n= 70); 4) EC (n = 63, orange rectangle), children with early (thus presented with ICDAS = 1 or ICDAS = 2) caries lesions at T2 (2.5 y); and 5) AC group (n = 13, red rectangle), children with advanced (ICDAS ≥ 3) caries lesions at T2. At T3 (age 4 y), the children were divided into 4 caries groups: 1) CFAT (n = 50); 2) C6.5 (n = 38); 3) EC (n = 75), children with early caries lesions at T3 (4 y); and 4) AC (n = 52), children with advanced caries lesions at T3. (B) The Sankey graph of the entire study population. Among the 266 participants at the first visit (T1), 228 (85.7%) children were clinically caries free (blue columns), 2 children (0.9%) had early dental caries lesions (orange column), and 36 (13.5%) children were predentate (purple column). Only 50 (26.4%) children remained caries free during all 4 visits (T1–T4), while at T4, data were not available (missing data, gray column) for 77 (28.9%) children. Remin (green column)—children previously diagnosed with caries at the specific visit but caries free at the next time point, suggesting remineralization of lesions.