The supercapacitor behavior of different materials based on graphene, CNTs, and fullerenes, as well as their binary and ternary composites (Notes: SA—surface area, FCL700: N and Fe co doped porous carbon derived from ferrocenylpyrrolidine C60, HTFT_2000: Mesoporous graphitic carbon microtubes derived from fullerene C70, G/CNTs‐200: CNT@CZIF‐2: composite of nitrogen doped porous carbon derived from zeolitic imidazole framework and CNT, RGO/UCNT/PANI; Ternary composite of reduced graphene oxide, unzipped CNTs and polyaniline, Fe2O3NDs@NG—Fe2O3 nanodots supported on nitrogen doped graphene sheets, MCFC‐900: Amorphous mesoporous carbon cubes derived from mesoporous crystalline fullerene C70, VN/NG—A composite of vanadium nitride and nitrogen doped graphene, GO/Fc—graphene oxide and ferrocene composite produced using vapor deposition, MoS2/G: composite of molybdenum sulfide and graphene, 3DG/CNT—Composite of 3D graphene and CNTs, P‐MWNT‐PANI—polyaniline nanowire arrays grown on dendrimer functionalized multiwalled CNTs, CNTs@Gr‐CNF‐5—ternary composite made up of CNTs, graphene and carbon nanofibers, G/PANI/CNTs—composite of graphene, polyaniline and CNTs, mCF@CC—mesoporous C60 fullerene micro‐particles supported on carbon cloth, G—graphene prepared from graphene oxide aqueous solution using excimer laser irradiation reduction technique, PANI‐PORGO—polyaniline functionalized reduced graphene oxide, NG—nitrogen doped graphene, and OMC/G—composite of ordered mesoporous carbon and graphene)