Fig 8. An important practical concern is spatial granularity of patches for simulation-based studies.
For Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea, for example, we could define patches at several scales: the whole island; or approximately 240 occupied areas (1km × 1km, the squares); approximately 4, 400 occupied 100m × 100m sectors (points); or 8 distinct regions (the colors of the squares); or clusters of contiguous sectors (the colors of the points); or approximately 70,000 individual households. An important concern is that the weight of evidence—the number of observations per patch—declines sharply as granularity of the simulations increases. This framework makes it possible to define a set of nested (or partially nested) studies that modify the number and size of patches, which requires modifying the human and mosquito mobility sub-models, but that holds other aspects of the model constant.