Table 2.
Pillar* | Description |
Elevate the issue | Highlight racial inequity and racism in HF at local, state, and federal levels through lobbying efforts, national media outlets, digital communications and social media. |
Advocate for adequate and affordable insurance and prescription coverage, flexible, community-based HF screening and intervention programs, early HF risk factor modification, and improved referral, access, and utilization of HF care, including advanced HF therapies at local, state, and federal levels. | |
Have dedicated racial inequity and racism themes at annual Scientific Meetings. | |
Develop a policy dedicated to embedding racial justice and advancing health equity within the strategic plan of health care societies and systems | |
Engage stakeholders | Survey membership to evaluate potential racism within the organization as well as potential solutions. |
Survey patient membership regarding opinions and experiences of racial injustice in the health care setting | |
Partner and collaborate with external stakeholders such as medical organizations, community advocacy groups, insurers, and industry leaders regarding racial inequities as it effects patient care, health policy, and health care delivery and potential solutions. Identify methods to increase representation of racial and ethnic minorities and women within the profession. | |
Equip members and communities | Develop durable education programs for providers on types and examples of racism and racial injustice |
Develop educational materials for patients in recognizing racial injustice in the health care setting and dealing with these issues. | |
Empower those marginalized | Include representation of racial and ethnic minorities and women within all levels of the organization such as leadership positions and committees. |
HF, heart failure.