(A,B) Expression of 16S (A) and 23S (B) rRNA of Lp:Tncontrol and Lp:Tnr/tRNA. Expression is normalised with the expression of gyrB using the formula 2Cq(gyrB)-Cq(rRNA). We performed a Student’s t-test to compare the two conditions. *: p-value <0.05. (C) Developmental timing of larvae raised on imbalanced diet (FLY AA –60% Val), in germ-free (GF) condition (grey) or in association with Lp (dark green), Lp:Tncontrol (light green), LpΔopr/tRNA (dark blue), or Lp:Tnr/tRNA (black). The graph represents the total fraction of emerged pupae over time as a percentage of the final number of pupae. The graph shows five replicates per condition (mean and standard deviation). Each replicate consists in one tube containing 40 larvae. We used a Cox proportional hazards model to compare the effect of each candidate to the effect of L. plantarum (Lp). The p-values were adjusted by the Tukey method. n.s.: non-significant. ***: p-value <0.001. (D) Developmental timing of larvae raised on FLY AA –70% Leu, in GF condition (grey) or in association with Lp WT (dark green) or LpΔopr/tRNA (dark blue). The graph represents the total fraction of emerged pupae over time as a percentage of the final number of pupae. The graph shows five replicates per condition(mean and standard deviation). Each replicate consists in one tube containing 40 larvae. (E) Growth of Lp WT (dark green) and LpΔopr/tRNA (dark blue) on imbalanced diet (FLY AA –60% Val), in association with larvae. The graph shows the quantity of colony-forming units (CFUs) of Lp over time. We performed a Mann-Whitney test at each time point and found no statistically significant difference. (F) Colonisation of the larva gut by Lp (dark green) and LpΔopr/tRNA (dark blue) on imbalanced diet (FLY AA –60% Val). The graph shows the quantity of CFUs of Lp per larva. We performed a Mann-Whitney test and found no statistically significant difference. (G,H) Expression of 16S (G) and 23S (H) rRNA of Lp WT or LpΔopr/tRNA. Expression is normalised with the expression of gyrB using the formula 2Cq(gyrB)-Cq(rRNA). We performed a Student’s t-test to compare the two conditions. *: p-value <0.05; **: p-value <0.01. (I) Expression of Thr-tRNAs of Lp WT or LpΔopr/tRNA from small RNAseq. Expression is normalised with the total number of reads. tRNA15, tRNA57, and tRNA69 are outside the deleted operon. tRNA5 is inside the deleted operon.