(A,C,E) Representative pictures of the anterior midgut of 4E-BPintrondsRed larvae in germ-free (GF) conditions (left panels), in association with Lp:Tnr/tRNA (middle panels) or in association with Lp:Tncontrol (right panels). Cyan: DAPI. Magenta: 4E-BPintrondsRed reporter. Scale bar: 200 µm. (B,D,F) Quantification of the signal: proportion of enterocytes positive for 4E-BPintrondsRed reporter’s activity in the anterior midgut of GF larvae (grey), larvae associated with Lp:Tnr/tRNA (black), and larvae associated with Lp:Tncontrol (black). Each dot represents one larva. The bar shows the mean. We performed a Kruskal-Wallis test followed by post hoc Dunn’s tests to compare the conditions together. n.s.: non-significant. *: p-value <0.05. **: p-value <0.01. (A) Larvae fed an imbalanced diet (FLY AA –60% Val), signal quantified in (B). (C) Larvae fed a balanced diet (FLY AA), signal quantified in (D). (E) Larvae fed an imbalanced diet (FLY AA –60% Val) upon short-term association with L. plantarum (Lp), signal quantified in (F). (G) Proportion of enterocytes positive for 4E-BPintrondsRed reporter’s activity in the anterior midgut of GF larvae (grey), GF larvae fed with increasing concentrations of bacterial tRNAs (blue), yeast tRNAs (orange), or Lp-associated larvae (green) on balanced diet (FLY AA). Each dot represents one larva. We performed a Kruskal-Wallis test followed by post hoc Dunn’s tests to compare each condition to GF. n.s.: non-significant. *: p-value <0.05. **: p-value <0.01. ***: p-value <0.001.