(A–I) Developmental timing experiments. The graphs show five replicates per condition (mean and standard deviation). Each replicate consists in one tube containing 40 larvae. (A–G) Developmental timing of larvae raised in germ-free (GF) condition (grey circles) or Lp-associated conditions (green circles), in a control background (Mex>mCherryRNAi, filled circles) or in a knock-down background in enterocytes (empty circles). The graphs represent the total fraction of emerged pupae over time as a percentage of the final number of pupae. When indicated, we used a Cox proportional hazards model to compare the effect of Lp in the control background and in the GCN2 knock-down background. n.s.: non-significant. **: p-value <0.01. ***: p-value <0.001. (A–F) GCN2 knock-down in the enterocytes on imbalanced diet (–60% Val) (A), balanced diet (B), or imbalanced diet: –60% Ile (C), –60% Lys (D), –60% Thr (E), –60% Trp (F). (G) ATF4 knock-down in the enterocytes (triangles) and 4E-BP knock-down in enterocytes (crossed circles) on imbalanced diet (–60% Val). (H–I) Developmental timing of GF larvae (grey), larvae associated with Lp:Tnr/tRNA (black), and larvae associated with Lp:Tncontrol (green) on imbalanced diet (–60% Val) in a control background (Mex>mCherryRNAi) (H) or in a GCN2 knock-down in the enterocytes (Mex>GCN2RNAi) (I). We used a Cox proportional hazards model to compare the effect of Lp:Tncontrol association with Lp:Tnr/tRNA association and GF condition. n.s.: non-significant, **: p-value <0.01, ***: p-value <0.001.
Figure 6—source data 1. Raw data displayed in Figure 6.