Figure 5.
Relation of variables analyzed in the study relative to the total identified population of gender-expansive patients (dashed line; N = 2236) and those taking gender-affirming hormones (solid line; N = 1506). The bars depict the breakdown of how many patients were determined by chart review to be not gender-expansive, gender-expansive but not taking gender-affirming hormones, or gender-expansive and actively taking gender-affirming hormones. The individual bars include those with one or more SOGI field differences (excluding blank responses; N = 2298), those with at least 1 of 6 ICD-10 codes related to gender dysphoria for a clinical encounter (N = 1553), combination of SOGI field differences and/or ICD-10 codes related to gender dysphoria (N = 2422), and prescription for estradiol or testosterone suggesting use of gender-affirming hormones (eg, estradiol in someone with Legal Sex of “Male”; N = 1292).