Figure 4.
Therapeutic interventions for Covid-19 cytokine storm: Controlling the Covid-19 disease at early stages of infection with targeted therapies could be crucial for successful treatment of the disease. Different prospective treatment options for COVID-19-mediated CS include inhibitors of individual cytokines or their receptors (e.g., Anakinra, Tocilizumab, Emapalumab), targeting a combination of cytokines, inhibitors of JAK/STAT pathways (e.g., Baricitinib, Ruxolitinib), GM-CSF inhibitors (Mavrilimumab, Lenzilumab, Otilimab) etc. Apart from this, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have potent immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties, which help them, regulate the innate and adaptive immune systems. Thus, MSCs are considered an important therapeutic option for treating sepsis and COVID-19-associated CS. Therapeutic Plasma Exchange (TPE) works by efficiently clearing inflammatory cytokine/s from the blood, restoring oxygen levels, early CS resolution, and improving the overall survival rates. Additionally, traditional anti-inflammatory medicines, such as Colchicine and corticosteroids, are also being investigated for COVID-19-associated CS.