Table 1.
NeuroACT treatment modules and sessions.
Module 1. Stress and avoidance (Session 1–2) Psychoeducation on stress from an ACT perspective. • Recording of stressful situations. Avoidance trap. |
Module 2. Perspective-taking (Session 3–4) • Introduction to mindfulness and cognitive defusion. • Being present. Perspective-taking skills. |
Module 3. Values and committed action (Session 5–6) • Values and motivation work. • Purpose and meaning. Behavior goals and committed action. |
Module 4. Acceptance and compassion (Session 7–8) • Acceptance and compassion skills. • Acceptance of emotions and body sensations. Acceptance of sensory input. |
Module 5. Integration of ACT (Session 9–10) • Using presence, defusion, and acceptance. • Managing stress in social situations. • Restorative actions. Module 7. Consolidation of ACT (Session 13–14) • Action plan. • Review of group experiences. Planning for the future. |
Module 6. Support of executive function (Session 11–12) • Problem-solving. • Structure management. Application of ACT techniques. |
ACT: acceptance and commitment therapy.