Measures of climate relevant to maize productivity, and estimates of declining freedom to relocate through time. (a) Low-frequency estimate of summer temperature derived from pollen [28], relative to modern conditions (preliminary, based on research currently under review). Spatial scope: US Southwest. (b) Inferred low-frequency ENSO phase dominance derived from pollen [28] (preliminary, based on research currently under review). Spatial scope: US Southwest. (c) Proportion of demonstrably occupied cells (having tree-ring dates indicating occupation in the present or any of the previous 3 years) in the maize farming niche [19]. Spatial scope: UUSS as defined in [19]. (d) Room to walk as defined in text. Spatial scope: UUSS as defined in [19]. Series in C and D smoothed using a one-sided moving average of the preceding 11 years. BMII, Basketmaker II; PI, Pueblo I (etc.).