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. 2023 Apr 10;37(8):1119–1138. doi: 10.1177/02692155231164092
# Search
1 (exoskelet* or exo skelet* or ((powered or robot*) adj3 (orthos* or training)) or pgo or wearable robot* or rex or H2 or atlas or robin).ti,ab. or robotic*.ti.
2 Exoskeleton Device/ or Robotics/
3 1 or 2
4 (walking or walk or gait or gaits or locomotor or locomotion or ambulation or rehabilitation or mobility or overground or over ground).ti,ab.
5 Exercise Therapy/ or Locomotion/ or Walking/ or Gait/ or Rehabilitation/
6 4 or 5
7 (rewalk* or Ekso or elegs or mindwalker* or Wearable Power Assist Locomotor or WPAL or mina or indego or ARGO or RGO or IRGO or (reciprocat* adj3 orthos*) or arke or ExoAtlet or bionic leg* or keeogo or kinesis or tibion or Vanderbilt or ABLE human motion or Walking Assistance Device* or X1 Robotic Exoskeleton* or HULC or Human Universal Load Carrier or walktrainer* or hybrid assistive limb* or HAL).ti,ab.
8 (((robot* or bionic* or powered or automated) adj4 (walk* or gait* or locomot* or ambulat*)) or ragt).ti,ab.
9 7 or 8
10 (((spinal cord or spinal column) adj3 (injur* or trauma* or transection* or lacerat* or contusion* or damag* or lesion*)) or SCI or ((traumatic or posttraumatic) adj2 myelopath*)).ti,ab.
11 Spinal Cord Injuries/
12 10 or 11
13 ((3 and 6) or 9) and 12
14 (exoskelet* or exo skelet* or ((powered or robot*) adj3 (orthos* or training)) or pgo or wearable robot* or rewalk* or Ekso or elegs or mindwalker* or Wearable Power Assist Locomotor or WPAL or mina or indego or ARGO or RGO or IRGO or (reciprocat* adj3 orthos*) or arke or ExoAtlet or bionic leg* or keeogo or kinesis or tibion or Vanderbilt or ABLE human motion or Walking Assistance Device* or X1 Robotic Exoskeleton* or HULC or Human Universal Load Carrier or walktrainer* or hybrid assistive limb* or HAL).ti,ab.
15 (((robot* or bionic* or powered or automated) adj4 (walk* or gait* or locomot* or ambulat*)) or ragt).ti,ab.
16 Exoskeleton Device/
17 14 or 15 or 16
18 (((spinal cord or spinal column) adj3 (injur* or trauma* or transection* or lacerat* or contusion* or damag* or lesion*)) or SCI or ((traumatic or posttraumatic) adj2 myelopath*)).ti,ab.
19 (wheelchair* or wheel chair* or paraplegi* or tetraplegi* or quadriplegi* or multiple sclerosis or stroke or ((physical* or mobility or ambulat* or walking) adj2 (disorder* or incapacit* or impair* or limit* or problem* or difficult* or deficien* or disab* or challeng* or issue*)) or disabled or disabilit* or handicap*).ti,ab.
20 (rehabilitation or neurorehabilitation or physiotherap* or physical therap* or exercise therap*).ti,ab.
21 Spinal Cord Injuries/ or Multiple Sclerosis/ or Stroke/ or Stroke Rehabilitation/ or Disabled Persons/ or Wheelchairs/ or Rehabilitation/ or Neurological Rehabilitation/ or Exercise Therapy/ or Physical Therapy Specialty/ or Physical Therapy Modalities/
22 18 or 19 or 20 or 21
23 (barrier or barriers or obstacle or obstacles or difficulty or difficulties or challenge or challenges or pitfall* or shortcoming* or facilitat* or opportunit* or experience or experiences or perspective* or survey* or view or views or opinion or opinion* or expectation* or perception* or acceptance or appraisal* or implementation or implementing or adoption or adopting or integration or integrating or state of the art or feasib* or usability or pros or cons or advantage* or disadvantage* or drawback* or satisfaction or preference*).ti. or (barrier or barriers or obstacle or obstacles or difficulty or difficulties or challenge or challenges or pitfall* or shortcoming* or facilitator* or opportunit* or experience or experiences or perspective* or survey* or view or views or opinion or opinion* or expectation* or perception* or acceptance or appraisal* or implementation or implementing or adoption or adopting or integration or integrating or state of the art or feasibilit* or usability or pros or cons or advantage* or disadvantage* or drawback* or satisfaction or preference*).ab./freq = 2
24 "Surveys and Questionnaires"/ or Feasibility Studies/ or exp Patient Satisfaction/
25 23 or 24
26 17 and 22 and 25
27 13 or 26
28 27 not (mouse or mice or rat or rats or rodent* or rabbit or rabbits).ti.
29 28 not ((treadmill* or lokomat) not (overground or over ground)).ti.
30 29 not ((upper limb* or upper extremit* or hand or hands or arm or arms or forearm* or shoulder or shoulders or elbow or elbows or wrist or wrists) not (lower limb* or lower extremit* or leg or legs or foot or feet)).ti.
31 limit 30 to (english or french)
Example of search strategy in Web of science database (Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, Emerging Sources Citation Index)
# Search
1 TS = (exoskelet* or “exo skelet*” or ((“powered” or robot*) NEAR/2 (orthos* or “training”)) or “pgo” or “wearable robot*” or “rex” or “H2” or “atlas” or “robin”) OR TI = robotic*
2 TS = (“walking” or “walk” or “gait” or “gaits” or “locomotor” or “locomotion” or “ambulation” or “rehabilitation” or “mobility” or “overground” or “over ground”)
3 TS = (rewalk* or “Ekso” or “elegs” or mindwalker* or “Wearable Power Assist Locomotor” or “WPAL” or “mina” or “indego” or “ARGO” or “RGO” or “IRGO” or (reciprocat* NEAR/2 orthos*) or “arke” or “ExoAtlet” or “bionic leg*” or “keeogo” or “kinesis” or “tibion” or “Vanderbilt” or “ABLE human motion” or “Walking Assistance Device*” or “X1 Robotic Exoskeleton*” or “HULC” or “Human Universal Load Carrier” or walktrainer* or “hybrid assistive limb*” or “HAL”)
4 TS = (((robot* or bionic* or “powered” or “automated”) NEAR/3 (walk* or gait* or locomot* or ambulat*)) or “ragt”)
5 #3 or #4
6 TS = (((“spinal cord” or “spinal column”) NEAR/2 (injur* or trauma* or transection* or lacerat* or contusion* or damag* or lesion*)) or “SCI” or ((“traumatic” or “posttraumatic”) NEAR/1 myelopath*))
7 ((#1 and #2) or #5) and #6
8 TS = (exoskelet* or “exo skelet*” or ((“powered” or robot*) NEAR/2 (orthos* or “training”)) or “pgo” or “wearable robot*” or rewalk* or “Ekso” or “elegs” or mindwalker* or “Wearable Power Assist Locomotor” or “WPAL” or “mina” or “indego” or “ARGO” or “RGO” or “IRGO” or (reciprocat* NEAR/2 orthos*) or “arke” or “ExoAtlet” or “bionic leg*” or “keeogo” or “kinesis” or “tibion” or “Vanderbilt” or “ABLE human motion” or “Walking Assistance Device*” or “X1 Robotic Exoskeleton*” or “HULC” or “Human Universal Load Carrier” or walktrainer* or “hybrid assistive limb*” or “HAL”)
9 TS = (((robot* or bionic* or “powered” or “automated”) NEAR/3 (walk* or gait* or locomot* or ambulat*)) or “ragt”)
10 #8 or #9
11 TS = (((“spinal cord” or “spinal column”) NEAR/2 (injur* or trauma* or transection* or lacerat* or contusion* or damag* or lesion*)) or “SCI” or ((“traumatic” or “posttraumatic”) NEAR/1 myelopath*))
12 TS = (wheelchair* or “wheel chair*” or paraplegi* or tetraplegi* or quadriplegi* or “multiple sclerosis” or “stroke” or ((physical* or “mobility” or ambulat* or “walking”) NEAR/1 (disorder* or incapacit* or impair* or limit* or problem* or difficult* or deficien* or disab* or challeng* or issue*)) or “disabled” or disabilit* or handicap*)
13 TS = (“rehabilitation” or “neurorehabilitation” or physiotherap* or “physical therap*” or “exercise therap*”)
14 #11 or #12 or #13
15 TI = (“barrier” or “barriers” or “obstacle” or “obstacles” or “difficulty” or “difficulties” or “challenge” or “challenges” or pitfall* or shortcoming* or facilitat* or opportunit* or “experience” or “experiences” or perspective* or survey* or “view” or “views” or “opinion” or opinion* or expectation* or perception* or “acceptance” or appraisal* or “implementation” or “implementing” or “adoption” or “adopting” or “integration” or “integrating” or “state of the art” or feasib* or “usability” or “pros” or “cons” or advantage* or disadvantage* or drawback* or “satisfaction” or preference*)
16 #10 and #14 and #15
17 #7 or #16
18 #17 not TI = (“mouse” or “mice” or “rat” or “rats” or “rodent*” or “rabbit” or “rabbits”)
19 #18 not TI = ((“treadmill*” or “lokomat”) not (“overground” or “over ground”))
20 #19 not TI = ((“upper limb*” or “upper extremit*” or “hand” or “hands” or “arm” or “arms” or “forearm*” or “shoulder” or “shoulders” or “elbow” or “elbows” or “wrist” or “wrists”) not (“lower limb*” or “lower extremit*” or “leg” or “legs” or “foot” or “feet”))
21 #20 Restrict results by languages: English, French
Example of search strategy in CINAHL(EBSCO)
# Search
1 TI (exoskelet* or “exo skelet*” or ((powered or robot*) N2 (orthos* or training)) or pgo or “wearable robot*” or rex or H2 or atlas or robin or robotic*) OR AB (exoskelet* or “exo skelet*” or ((powered or robot*) N2 (orthos* or training)) or pgo or “wearable robot*” or rex or H2 or atlas or robin)
2 MH (Exoskeleton Devices or Robotics)
3 S1 or S2
4 TI (walking or walk or gait or gaits or locomotor or locomotion or ambulation or rehabilitation or mobility or overground or “over ground”) OR AB (walking or walk or gait or gaits or locomotor or locomotion or ambulation or rehabilitation or mobility or overground or “over ground”)
5 MH (Therapeutic Exercise or Locomotion or Walking or Gait or Step or Rehabilitation)
6 S4 or S5
7 TI (rewalk* or Ekso or elegs or mindwalker* or “Wearable Power Assist Locomotor” or WPAL or mina or indego or ARGO or RGO or IRGO or (reciprocat* N2 orthos*) or arke or ExoAtlet or “bionic leg*” or keeogo or kinesis or tibion or Vanderbilt or “ABLE human motion” or “Walking Assistance Device*” or “X1 Robotic Exoskeleton*” or HULC or “Human Universal Load Carrier” or walktrainer* or “hybrid assistive limb*” or HAL) OR AB (rewalk* or Ekso or elegs or mindwalker* or “Wearable Power Assist Locomotor” or WPAL or mina or indego or ARGO or RGO or IRGO or (reciprocat* N2 orthos*) or arke or ExoAtlet or “bionic leg*” or keeogo or kinesis or tibion or Vanderbilt or “ABLE human motion” or “Walking Assistance Device*” or “X1 Robotic Exoskeleton*” or HULC or “Human Universal Load Carrier” or walktrainer* or “hybrid assistive limb*” or HAL)
8 TI (((robot* or bionic* or powered or automated) N3 (walk* or gait* or locomot* or ambulat*)) or ragt) OR AB (((robot* or bionic* or powered or automated) N3 (walk* or gait* or locomot* or ambulat*)) or ragt)
9 S7 or S8
10 TI (((“spinal cord” or “spinal column”) N3 (injur* or trauma* or transection* or lacerat* or contusion* or damag* or lesion*)) or SCI or ((traumatic or posttraumatic) N1 myelopath*)) OR AB (((“spinal cord” or “spinal column”) N3 (injur* or trauma* or transection* or lacerat* or contusion* or damag* or lesion*)) or SCI or ((traumatic or posttraumatic) N1 myelopath*))
11 MH (Spinal Cord Injuries)
12 S10 or S11
13 ((S3 and S6) or S9) and S12
14 TI (exoskelet* or “exo skelet*” or ((powered or robot*) N2 (orthos* or training)) or pgo or “wearable robot*” or rewalk* or Ekso or elegs or mindwalker* or “Wearable Power Assist Locomotor” or WPAL or mina or indego or ARGO or RGO or IRGO or (reciprocat* N2 orthos*) or arke or ExoAtlet or “bionic leg*” or keeogo or kinesis or tibion or Vanderbilt or “ABLE human motion” or “Walking Assistance Device*” or “X1 Robotic Exoskeleton*” or HULC or “Human Universal Load Carrier” or walktrainer* or “hybrid assistive limb*” or HAL) OR AB (exoskelet* or “exo skelet*” or ((powered or robot*) N2 (orthos* or training)) or pgo or “wearable robot*” or rewalk* or Ekso or elegs or mindwalker* or “Wearable Power Assist Locomotor” or WPAL or mina or indego or ARGO or RGO or IRGO or (reciprocat* N2 orthos*) or arke or ExoAtlet or “bionic leg*” or keeogo or kinesis or tibion or Vanderbilt or “ABLE human motion” or “Walking Assistance Device*” or “X1 Robotic Exoskeleton*” or HULC or “Human Universal Load Carrier” or walktrainer* or “hybrid assistive limb*” or HAL)
15 TI (((robot* or bionic* or powered or automated) N3 (walk* or gait* or locomot* or ambulat*)) or ragt) OR AB (((robot* or bionic* or powered or automated) N3 (walk* or gait* or locomot* or ambulat*)) or ragt)
16 MH (Exoskeleton Devices)
17 S14 or S15 or S16
18 TI (((“spinal cord” or “spinal column”) N3 (injur* or trauma* or transection* or lacerat* or contusion* or damag* or lesion*)) or SCI or ((traumatic or posttraumatic) N1 myelopath*)) OR AB (((“spinal cord” or “spinal column”) N3 (injur* or trauma* or transection* or lacerat* or contusion* or damag* or lesion*)) or SCI or ((traumatic or posttraumatic) N1 myelopath*))
19 TI (wheelchair* or “wheel chair*” or paraplegi* or tetraplegi* or quadriplegi* or “multiple sclerosis” or stroke or ((physical* or mobility or ambulat* or walking) N1 (disorder* or incapacit* or impair* or limit* or problem* or difficult* or deficien* or disab* or challeng* or issue*)) or disabled or disabilit* or handicap*) OR AB (wheelchair* or “wheel chair*” or paraplegi* or tetraplegi* or quadriplegi* or “multiple sclerosis” or stroke or ((physical* or mobility or ambulat* or walking) N1 (disorder* or incapacit* or impair* or limit* or problem* or difficult* or deficien* or disab* or challeng* or issue*)) or disabled or disabilit* or handicap*)
20 TI (rehabilitation or neurorehabilitation or physiotherap* or “physical therap*” or “exercise therap*”) OR AB (rehabilitation or neurorehabilitation or physiotherap* or “physical therap*” or “exercise therap*”)
21 MH (Spinal Cord Injuries or Multiple Sclerosis or Stroke or Disabled or Wheelchairs or Rehabilitation or Therapeutic Exercise or Physical Therapy or Physical Therapy Practice or Physical Therapy Service)
22 S18 or S19 or S20 or S21
23 TI (barrier or barriers or obstacle or obstacles or difficulty or difficulties or challenge or challenges or pitfall* or shortcoming* or facilitat* or opportunit* or experience or experiences or perspective* or survey* or view or views or opinion or opinion* or expectation* or perception* or acceptance or appraisal* or implementation or implementing or adoption or adopting or integration or integrating or state of the art or feasib* or usability or pros or cons or advantage* or disadvantage* or drawback* or satisfaction or preference*)
24 MH (Surveys or Patient Satisfaction+)
25 S23 or S24
26 S17 and S22 and S25
27 S13 or S26
28 S27 not TI (mouse or mice or rat or rats or rodent* or rabbit or rabbits)
29 S28 not TI ((treadmill* or lokomat) not (overground or over ground))
30 S29 not TI ((upper limb* or upper extremit* or hand or hands or arm or arms or forearm* or shoulder or shoulders or elbow or elbows or wrist or wrists) not (lower limb* or lower extremit* or leg or legs or foot or feet))
31 S30 AND LA (english or french)