DNA methylation of the gastrocnemius post-complete SCI. A: gene expression using normalized read counts of factors associated with methylation and demethylation. Dmt3a, Tet3, and Gadd45b are greatly downregulated at 7 days, with boldine being associated with improved levels of Dmt3a and reduced expression of Gadd45b at 28 days. B: hierarchical clustering heatmaps of the hyper- and hypomethylated consensus DMCs for each comparison. C: UpSet plot showing that each comparison has a mostly unique set of DMCs, with the shared DMCs for “SCIb vs. SCIv” and “SCIv vs. Sham” comparisons at both 7 and 28 days being inverse to each. DMCs, differentially methylated CpG sites; SCI, spinal cord injury.