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. 2023 Apr 7;48:109130. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2023.109130
Subject Behavioral Finance and Economics, Microeconomics, Economics
Specific subject area Individual donations to BirdLife International to conserve habitats of the Montagu's Harrier.
Type of data Table (38 variables, 716 observations)
How the data were acquired Data was acquired through lab-in-field experiments in Denmark, Spain, and Ghana. Two experiments were conducted: (1) a small effort task and (2) a dictator game. Copies of the consent form, experiment instructions, and exit questionnaire (in English) are available as supplementary materials of the original article [1]. Danish and Spanish translations are available upon request.
Experiments in all three countries were run by hand. Each country had an instructor, who interacted with the participants, and an experimenter, who paid the participants and communicated with the experimenters in the other two countries. All instructors and experimenters were trained at the same time in Denmark.
Data format Raw
Description of data collection Participants were recruited from a database of experiment participants in Denmark and Spain, and through flyers and in-class announcements in Ghana. Participants were randomly assigned into experiment treatments. During the experiment, participants were not allowed to communicate with one another. Participants were only allowed to communicate with the instructor. Participants were only known by their subject ID number.
Data source location The experiments were conducted in three countries:Denmark
  • Institution: University of Copenhagen

  • City: Frederiksberg

  • Institution: Pompeu Fabra University

  • City: Barcelona

  • Institution: University of Ghana

  • City: Accra

Data accessibility Repository Name: Mendeley Data
Data identification number: 10.17632/xfhdfgps43.2
Direct URL to data:[2]
Related research article M. Vogdrup-Schmidt, A.L. Abatayo, N. Strange, J.F. Shogren, B.J. Thorsen, Factors affecting support for transnational conservation targeting migratory species. Ecological Economics. 157 (2019) 156-164. [1]