Preinterview overarching themes, challenges, and potential solutions for recruiting URiM and SGM students to emergency medicine.
Overarching theme | Challenge | Potential solution |
Messaging and visibility | Overcoming regional/geographic reputation |
Focus on the hospital's, health system's, or overall institutional reputation and define DEI broadly Leverage institutional social media accounts to showcase greater URiM and SGM representation across programs |
Messaging and visibility | Representation on social media
Get Involved with affinity groups (SNMA/LMSA/MSPA) Create a “diversity spotlight” or informational brochures highlighting personal stories Create a DEI website highlighting educational initiatives, scholarly work, and community engagement Spotlight residents and faculty in leadership roles, especially if DEI related (i.e., DEI chief resident) |
Messaging and visibility | Showcasing “unseen” aspects of diversity (e.g., first‐generation, faith‐based) |
Engage in mentoring of URiM and SGM populations/affinity groups Advertise program at SNMA/LMSA Task social media committee with portraying “unseen” aspects of diversity |
Messaging and visibility | Avoiding “tokenism” of URiM and SGM residents, faculty, and staff |
Depict a diverse array of faculty and residents on websites and social media Engage a diverse group of faculty and residents in the recruitment process Send diverse representation to regional and national residency fairs |
Funding and support | Obtaining DEI funding and support at the institutional level |
Seek grant or external funding opportunities Lobby departmental leadership to allocate DEI‐specific funding |
Funding and support | Minority tax or burden for those taking on DEI efforts |
Incorporate financial and/or promotion incentives to faculty for participating in DEI work Approach residents on “lighter” rotations first to help preinterview recruitment efforts rather than targeting specific URiM and SGM individuals |
Funding and support | Cost constraints limiting URiM and SGM student participation in in‐person recruitment events, visiting clerkships, and interview day |
Offer scholarships to URiM and SGM visiting students Provide the option of virtual or in‐person interviews Engage alumni in funding scholarship opportunities for URiM and SGM students |
Abbreviations: DEI, diversity, equity, and inclusion; LMSA, Latino Medical Student Association; MSPA, Medical Student Pride Alliance; SGM, sexual and gender minority; SNMA, Student National Medical Association; URiM, underrepresented in medicine.