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. 2023 Apr 27;14(3):e00636-23. doi: 10.1128/mbio.00636-23


Clinical details of 10 neonates with Lodderomyces elongisporus fungemia in a neonatal intensive care unit, Indiaa

Patient Isolate ID DOB/DOA (day-mo-yr) Date of blood culture (day-mo-yr) Clinical details Outcome Antifungal therapy
1 906-P-21 07-09-2021 16-09-2021 PT, VLBW, thrombocytopenia Survived FLU and AMB
2 950-P-21 02-09-2021 24-09-2021 PT, IUGR, thrombocytopenia Survived FLU and AMB
3 963-P-21 18-09-2021 28-09-2021 PT, VLBW, severe asphyxia Survived FLU and AMB
979-P-21-S62 30-09-2021
979-P-21-S87 19-10-2021
1023-P-21 28-10-2021
4 972-P-21 17-09-2021 30-09-2021 PT, ELBW, thrombocytopenia, hypoglycemia Survived FLU and AMB
5 1003-P-21 24-09-2021 12-10-2021 Term, hypoglycemia, thrombocytopenia Survived FLU and AMB
6 1107-P-21 01-11-2021 16-11-2021 LBW, PT, thrombocytopenia Survived FLU and AMB
7 89-P-22 2-01-2022 31-01-2022 VLBW, PT Died FLU and AMB
8 144-P-22 01-02-2022 07-02-2022 Term, LBW, sepsis, thrombocytopenia Survived FLU and AMB
9 147-P-22 03-02-2022 09-02-2022 VLBW, severe asphyxia at birth Survived FLU and AMB
10 160-P-22 12-02-2022 21-02-2022 VLBW, PT Survived FLU and AMB

ID, identifier; DOA, date of admission; DOB, date of birth; VLBW, very low birthweight; IUGR, intrauterine growth restriction; PT, preterm; ELBW, extremely low birthweight; LBW, low birthweight; FLU, fluconazole; AMB; amphotericin B.