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. 2023 Jun 7;13(12):1995. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics13121995

Table 6.

AI outcomes in periodontics.

Target AI Model Sample Results Study
To classify periodontitis by immune response profile to aggressive periodontitis or chronic periodontitis class. MLP ANN Data from 29 subjects 90–98% accuracy Papantonopoulos et al., (2014) [165]
Diagnosis of periodontal diseases. ANNs, decision trees, and support vector machine Data from 150 patients Performance was 98%. The poorest correlation between input and output variables was found in ANN, and its performance was assessed to be 46%. Ozden et al., (2015) [166]
To identify and predict periodontally compromised teeth. CNN encoder + three dense layers 1740 periapical X-rays AUC of 73.4–82.6 [95% CI, 60.9–91.1] in predicting hopeless teeth. J. H. Lee et al., (2018) [162]
To detect periodontal bone loss (PBL) on panoramic dental radiographs. CNN + three dense layers 85 panoramic X-rays Predictive accuracy was determined to be 81%, which is similar to the examiners. Krois et al., (2019) [159]
Pre-emptive detection and diagnosis of periodontal disease and gingivitis by using intraoral images. Faster R-CNN 134 photographs Tooth detection accuracy of 100% to determine region of interest and 77.12% accuracy to detect inflammation. Alalharith et al., (2020) [167]
Predicting periodontitis stage. CNN 340 periapical X-rays Accuracy of 68.3% Danks et al., (2021) [168]
Predicting immunosuppression genes in periodontitis. DisGeNet, HisgAtlas Saliva Accuracy of 92.78% Ning et al., (2021) [169]
Clinical, immune, and microbial profiling of peri-implantitis patients against health. CNN FARDEEP Metabolites Successfully used in logistic regression of plaque samples. Wang et al., (2021) [170]
Research trialing different methods of segmentation to assess plaque on photographs of tooth surfaces (including ‘dye labelling’). CNN OCNet, Anet
2884 photographs AUC prediction of 87.11% for gingivitis and 80.11% for calculus. Li et al., (2021) [171]

AI, artificial intelligence; ANN, artificial neural network; AUC, area under the curve; CBCT, cone-beam computed tomography; CI, confidence interval; CNN, convolutional neural network.