(A) Images of control and mutant mice at postnatal day 17. Note the smaller size and hydrocephaly in the mutant. (B) Weight of mice with respect to age. Each point represents a mouse at a particular age. Differences are significant with respect to genotype (P<0.0001, F test). (C) Genotype distribution at the day prior to birth (E18), the day of birth (P0) and at genotyping age (P10 to P21). Number of animals is listed along with the P value determined by Chi Square analysis is listed at the top. (D) Images of hindlimbs of controls and mutant animals. Note the extra digits on the mutants. (E-G) H&E Images of P15 kidney cortex (control Ea, mutant Eb), cortical-medullary boundary (control Fa, mutant Fb) and medulla at the tip of the papilla (control Ga, mutant Gb). Scale bars are 100 microns. (H) H&E Images of P8 liver (control Ha, mutant Hb). Scale bar is 200 microns. (I) H&E Images of P8 pancreas (control Ia, mutant Ib). Islets are marked with yellow arrows. White arrows mark examples of cysts. Scale bar is 100 microns. (J) H&E Images of P0 lung (control Ja, mutant Jb). Scale bar is 200 microns.