Figure 2.
(a) Mean ATR-FTIR spectra (n = 4) of curdlan-based biomaterials (Cur) with different blend ratios (XN); (b) mean second-derivative spectra from the same samples presented in the regions of 3000−2800 cm−8, 1750−1580 cm−5, and 1445−1235 cm−2; (c) evolution of the integrated area of the OH bands in the stretching vibration region (3700−3000 cm−0), and (d) in the bending vibration region 1730−1580 cm−5 with different XN content in the biomaterial. The spectra were offset along the y-axis for clarity. (c,d) Data are presented as mean ± SD, one-way ANOVA test followed by Tukey’s multiple comparison, different symbols indicate significantly different mean values (p < 0.05). In the case of integrated intensity in the region of 1730−1580 cm−5, the difference of the means is not significant (p > 0.05).