Table A4.
Prerequisites per domain.
Balance | |
Maintaining balance in different postures Balance in stance with one foot in front (length of one step) Dynamic balance | |
Transfers | |
Sit to stand From lying down to stand |
Rolling from prone to supine and vice versa Roll-over |
Trunk stability | Trunk mobility |
Active upright position of the trunk Maintaining trunk position Trunk stability while moving, in sitting position Trunk stability while moving, in standing position |
Trunk mobility in lying position Trunk mobility in sitting position |
Walking | |
Stance phase stability: flat foot, knee and hip extension, trunk alignment Stance on 1 leg Stance on 1 leg while moving the other leg Clearance of the foot during the swing phase Pre-position of the foot at the end of the swing phase |
Step length Strength of the lower-limb muscles Walking (forward, sideways, and backwards) Transfers (sitting to standing and vice versa) Walking speed |
Going up and down the stairs | |
Balance in stance Balance on one leg Stance on a step on one leg, the other leg moves Stance with one foot on a step Pushing up on step |
Going up and down the stairs: alternating versus not alternating Jumping from a step Active hip- and knee-extension of the stance leg |