Time to shooting |
Days |
Number of days from sowing until first node noticeable 1 cm above tillering node (Z31; Zadoks et al., 1974) for 50% of all plants of a plot. |
Shoot elongation phase |
Time from SHO to HEA. |
Time to heading |
Days |
Number of days from sowing until first awns are visible (Z49; Zadoks et al., 1974) for 50% of ears on main tillers of a plot. |
Ripening phase |
Days |
Time from HEA to MAT. |
Time to maturity |
Number of days from sowing until hard dough: grain content firm and fingernail impression held (Z87; Zadoks et al., 1974) for 50% of all plants of a plot. |
Plant height |
cm |
Average plant height of all plants of a plot at maturity; measured from ground to tip of erected ear (without awns). |
Ears per m2
Number of ears m–2; counted by using a representative 50 cm frame in the centre of a plot and extrapolated to 1 m2. |
Grain number per ear |
Number of grains per ear; based on a representative sample of 10 harvested ears and recorded with the MARVIN seed analyser (GTA Sensorik, Neubrandenburg, Germany). |
Thousand grain weight |
g |
Weight of 1000 grains; extrapolated after harvest with MARVIN seed analyser based on a representative sample of 10 ears. Before, seeds were cleaned and damaged seeds were sorted out. |
Grain yield |
dt ha–1
For each plot, total grain yield was calculated based on the yield parameters EAR, GNE, and TGW and extrapolated to dt ha–1. |