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. 2023 Jun 15;9(6):e17326. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e17326

Table 2.

Effect of gallic acid (GA) oral dosing on serum levels of biochemical parameters of rats exposed to zinc dioxide nanoparticles (ZNPs) and/or arsenic trioxide (ATO) for 60 days.

Estimated parameters Control GA ZNPs % of control* ATO % of control* ZNPs+ATO % of control* GA+ZNPs+ATO % of restoration
AST (U/dl) 7.00c±1.22 5.67c±0.47 15.33 b ± 1.93 219 16.33 b ± 2.25 233 23.33a±2.01 333 15.33 b ± 0.24 66
ALT (U/m) 4.00 cd ± 0.41 2.67 d ± 0.24 12.00 b ± 0.41 300 16.00a±2.12 400 19.00a±1.47 475 7.00c±0.71 37
ALP (U/dl) 36.67 d ± 2.62 36.00 d ± 1.08 62.00c±2.55 169 75.33 b ± 1.55 205 107.67a±6.11 294 66.33 bc±0.85 62
Total bilirubin (mg/dl) 0.64c±0.07 0.40c±0.04 0.91 b ± 0.07 142 1.08 b ± 0.12 168 1.34a±0.13 209 0.97 b ± 0.06 72
Direct bilirubin (mg/dl) 1.30 d ± 0.03 1.05e±0.05 1.92c±0.05 148 2.05c±0.09 158 3.08a±0.01 237 2.53 b ± 0.10 82
Total cholesterol (mg/dl) 180.33c±2.59 160.00 d ± 1.08 201.67b ± 4.13 112 229.00a±4.71 127 239.33a±5.91 133 187.00c±7.49 78
Triglyceride (mg/dl) 77.33 d ± 1.43 59.00e±2.68 89.33c±2.25 116 110.00 b ± 2.12 142 123.00a±1.22 159 95.67c±2.78 78
LDL (mg/dl) 25.67 cd ± 0.85 23.67 d ± 1.31 38.33 ab ± 3.30 149 43.22 b ± 2.61 168 45.33a±2.09 177 31.67 bc±2.49 70
VLDL (mg/dl) 16.13 de ± 1.02 13.93e±0.66 19.07 cd ± 0.87 118 34.60 b ± 2.11 215 42.47a±2.08 263 22.00c±1.69 52
HDL (mg/dl) 23.18 b ± 0.91 35.41a±1.06 18.43c±0.13 219 13.11 d ± 0.77 57 11.11 d ± 1.11 48 21.66 b ± 0.67 195

*% of control = (mean value of the intoxicated group/mean values of the control group)*100. % of restoration= (mean value of GA+ZNPs+ATO group/mean values of ZNPs+ATO group)*100. AST: Aspartate aminotransferase; ALT: Alanine aminotransferase; ALP: alkaline phosphatase; LDL: low-density lipoprotein; VLDL: Very low-density lipoprotein; HD: High-density lipoprotein. Means within the same row carrying different superscripts (a, b, c, and d) are significantly different at p < 0.05. The values shown are means ± SE. n = 10 group.