Fig. 1.
Schematic representation of clinical implementation workflow of OncoSeek test. 8 ml peripheral blood sample was collected from the individual in a cell-free DNA blood collection tube and mailed to the central lab. This is a special tube that proteins are stabilised stored at room temperature for seven days which makes it remote accessible as long as there's a local nurse who can draw blood. After plasma separation by centrifugation in the lab, PTM levels were measured by an electrochemiluminescence immunoassay analyser. OncoSeek was established using AI to distinguish cancer from non-cancer individuals by calculating the probability of cancer (POC) index based on the plasma levels of seven PTMs and clinical information including sex and age of the individuals. Then using another model to predict the possible affected TOO who has been detected with a cancer signal. PTMs, protein tumour markers. ECLI, electrochemiluminescence immunoassay. TOO, tissue of origin.