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. 2023 May 25;15(6):1247. doi: 10.3390/v15061247

Table 2.

Comparative identities of the Tanzanian strain ANV-5/IM162/19 with other ANVs. Highest nucleotide (nt; and corresponding aa in brackets) identities are in bold and underlined and the lowest identities are italicized. Strains without full-length genome sequences are indicated with a dash (–) in their corresponding ORF1a and OFR1b.

Subgroup Virus * Pairwise Comparative Identities (%)
Genome (nt) ORF1a nt (aa) ORF1b nt (aa) ORF2 (nt (aa)
ANV-1 AB033998/JP/G-4260/79 75.12 78.06 (80.16) 87.26 (94.82) 58.11 (56.69)
HQ330496/DE/06V0062/06 57.51 (57.58)
KM985694/AUS/NSW-4a/09/09 58.20 (56.73)
ANV-2 HQ330486/Belgian-ELV1 56.68 (56.87)
HQ330503/UK/VF08-39/08 57.30 (56.58)
HQ330484/UK/EF91-276-Cl5/84 57.64 (56.15)
ANV-3 MT585643/ck/UK/VF14-92-A2 78.39 78.93 (81.86) 90.98 (94.20) 65.36 (67.63)
MT585644/ck/UK/VF16-03-164b/16 77.90 78.73 (82.16) 90.08 (94.41) 65.21 (66.91)
OM469229/ck/CH/PB23-SI7/19 78.37 80.64 (82.23) 89.88 (95.24) 65.16 (66.91)
ANV-5 ON964512/ck/CN/HNU-ANV-ML/20 81.97 81.18 (82.69) 90.43 (94.62) 72.73 (78.71)
MW684818/ck/NL/VM015/19 82.17 79.83 (82.95) 89.94 (95.45) 77.22 (85.25)
MW684833/ck/NL/VM053/19 80.70 76.67 (78.10) 90.15 (95.24) 77.22 (85.25)
MW784086/ck/CN/232-76811/22 77.49 79.42 (80.48) 90.43 (94.82) 63.70 (64.84)
OK274240/ck/CN/HBCZ/106/20 76.48 (82.40)
ANV-6 MF768270/pigeon/CN/20/14 63.88 69.07 (69.78) 75.96 (84.27) 42.44 (37.57)
FR727147/pigeon/NO/594-9/03 43.03 (38.40)
FR727148/pigeon/NO/603-5/03 43.28 (38.86)
FR727149/ pigeon/NO/06/15660-1/05 46.20 (43.47)
ANV-7 MN732558/ck/CN/BJCP510-2/18 76.70 77.34 (79.76) 89.26 (94.41) 64.91 (66.03)
ANV-8 MH028405/ck/BR/AVE52/09 78.78 77.34 (80.00) 90.84 (94.62) 69.33 (72.78)
MN732559/ck/CN/GXJL815/17 80.39 79.93 (82.37) 89.33 (95.24) 71.09 (74.70)
MW684822/ck/NL/VM036/19 79.99 80.36 (83.85) 90.56 (94.62) 68.94 (73.48)
MG846415/ck/BR/RS/6R/15 82.72 86.22 (91.02) 90.01 (94.82) 69.73 (74.26)

* virus names include GenBank accession numbers, abbreviated host avian species of origin, two-letter country abbreviation, strain/strain and year of isolation.