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. 2023 May 23;15(6):1222. doi: 10.3390/v15061222

Table 2.

Immunological and metabolic changes between baseline, week 48 and week 96. The table summarizes raw values of and changes between baseline (BL), week 48 (w48) and week 96 (w96). On the left side the table reports the medians (first quartile–third quartile) values at the three time-points for the variables of interest. On the right side the table reports three columns, one for each comparison (w96 versus BL, w48 versus BL and w96 versus w48). For each comparison the table reports three columns, one for the absolute difference between time-points (e.g., w96–BL), another for the percentual median relative difference (MRD %) between time-points (e.g., 100 × [week 96 value—BL value]/BL value), and a third for the p-values coming from the paired Wilcoxon test between time-points (paired Wilcoxon test between w96 and BL). p-values < 0.05 are highlighted in bold. eGFR: estimated glomerular filtrate rate, measured by the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration equation as mL/min/1.73 m2; TC: Total cholesterol. A. Data from the overall BICTEL cohort. B. Data only from PLWH older than 55 years.

  • A. 

    Overall Cohort (n: 164)

BL w48 w96 w96 vs. BL w48 vs. BL w96 vs. w48
Absolute Difference MRD % p Absolute Difference MRD % p Absolute Difference MRD % p
CD4+ T cell count (cell/μL) 580 (450–750) 760 (590–1000) 790 (570–980) 136 (−1–320) 24.2 (−0.2–5.4) <0.001 163 (67–281) 29 (11.1–53.9) <0.001 –8 (−126–132) −1.6 (−19–18) 0.715
CD8+ T cell count (cell/μL) 750 (580–1000) 850 (640–1000) 790 (550–1100) −6 (−230–254) −0.5 (−28.1–31.6) 0.861 56 (−58–183) 7.1 (−8.3–25.2) <0.001 −35 (−290–209) −5.2 (−32.8–29) 0.402
CD4+/CD8+ ratio 0.70 (0.60–0.90) 0.90 (0.80–1.0) 1.0 (0.72–1.4) 0.19 (−0.02–0.6) 31.4 (−2–77.4) <0.001 0.14 (0.01–0.3) 17.3 (3.5–43.1) <0.001 0 (−0.2–0.4) 2.2 (−17.3–4.9) 0.014
Total Cholesterol (mg/dL) 190 (170–210) 180 (160–200) 180 (160–210) −4 (−25–16) −2.5 (−12.9–9.6) 0.219 −12 (−24–6) −6.1 (−13–3.6) <0.001 3.5 (−15–24) 2.2 (−7.2–14.1) 0.104
LDL (mg/dL) 110 (87–130) 100 (83–130) 110 (88–140) −3 (−17–19) −3.5 (−16–16.4) 0.545 −6 (−17–12) −6 (−18.2–1.7) 0.034 2.9 (−16.2 – 21) 3.5 (−14–24.4) 0.204
HDL (mg/dL) 50 (41–58) 52 (44–62) 53 (45–63) 0 (−7–7) 0 (−12.1–17) 0.699 3 (−5–8) 6.5 (−7.8–18.5) 0.008 0 (−9–7) 0 (−15.8–15.1) 0.571
TC/HDL ratio 3.7 (3.0–4.7) 3.4 (2.8–4.1) 3.6 (3.0–4.5) −0.12 (−0.78–0.29) −2.7 (−23.2–8.6) 0.069 −0.22 (−0.88–0.18) −6.4 (−21.9–6.1) <0.001 0.1 (−0.5–0.7) 2 (−14.5–22.2) 0.251
Body Weight (Kg) 77 (70–84) 78 (71–85) 78 (65–84) 1.3 (−2.5–4) 1.7 (−2.7–5.6) 0.246 1 (0–3) 1.6 (0–3.8) 0.006 0 (−5–4) 0 (−5.8–4.6) 0.593
BMI (Kg/m2) 25 (23–28) 26 (23–29) 25 (23–27) 0.55 (−0.43–1.67) 1.9 (−1.9–6.8) 0.174 0.28 (0–0.88) 0.9 (0–3.4) 0.024 0.3 (−1.6–1.4) 1.1 (−5.1–5.4) 0.990
Creatinine (mg/dL) 0.94 (0.85–1.1) 1.0 (0.84–1.1) 1.0 (0.87–1.2) 0.05 (−0.03–0.14) 4.2 (−3.7–15.2) <0.001 0 (−0.2–0.08) 0 (−2.2–6.8) 0.034 0 (−0.1–0.1) 1.3 (−5.5–12.9) 0.076
eGFR 85 (73–97) 80 (70–93) 78 (65–92) −4.15 (−11.42–3.27) −5.5 (−14.5–3.6) 0.002 −1.6 (−6.35–1) −1.8 (−7.8–1.3) <0.001 –1.8 (−8.1–5.7) −2.1 (−9.5–7.6) 0.099
AST (mg/dL) 21 (17–24) 20 (17–23) 21 (18–26) 1 (−2.5–5) 5.6 (−12.9–26.1) 0.365 −1 (−4–2) −4.3 (−18.2–14.3) 0.189 1 (−2–5) 4 (−10–27.8) 0.423
ALT (mg/dL) 21 (16–26) 20 (16–25) 20 (15–32) 0 (−6–9) 0 (−24.8–52.6) 0.093 −1 (−4–3) −4.4 (−18.8–15.1) 0.073 0 (−5–7) 0 (19.6–36.9) 0.017
  • B. 

    PLWH Older than 55 (n: 106)

BL w48 w96 w96 vs. BL w48 vs. BL w96 vs. w48
Absolute Difference MRD % p Absolute Difference MRD % p Absolute Difference MRD % p
CD4+ T cell count (cell/μL) 580 (460–730) 760 (550–960) 770 (550–920) 155 (11–312) 25.4 (2.5–52.6) <0.001 160 (53–264) 27.4 (9.5–5.1) <0.001 15 (−92–119) 2.7 (−13.2–18.3) 0.694
CD8+ T cell count (cell/μL) 750 (580–1000) 850 (660–1000) 800 (590–1100) 0 (−248–370) 0 (−31.9–45.2) 0.523 50 (−54–141) 6.9 (−7.8–22.6) 0.009 –19 (−273–291) −3.3 (−34.9–41.4) 0.875
CD4+/CD8+ ratio 0.70 (0.60–0.82) 0.90 (0.80–1.0) 0.92 (0.62–1.4) 0.13 (−0.02–0.6) 25 (−2.9–88.9) <0.001 0.13 (0.01–0.3) 17.3 (1.1–43.1) <0.001 0 (−0.2–0.4) 5.5 (−19.9–40) 0.068
Total Cholesterol (mg/dL) 190 (170–210) 180 (160–210) 190 (160–220) −6 (−29–21) −2.5 (−15.6–12.6) 0.370 −12 (−23–2) −6.5 (−13–1.2) <0.001 2 (−16–24) 0.7 (−7.3–14.3) 0.328
LDL (mg/dL) 110 (88–140) 100 (84–140) 110 (81–140) −11 (−20–22) −7.8 (−16.9–2.7) 0.517 −7 (−17–6) −7 (−18.2–5.1) 0.021 1 (−20–22) 0.7 (−2.3–27.9) 0.718
HDL (mg/dL) 47 (41–57) 50 (43–60) 52 (44–63) 1 (−7–7) 2 (−13.2–19.7) 0.722 3 (−4–8) 6.1 (−7.5–19.4) 0.028 –1 (−10–8) −1.6 (−19.3–17) 0.385
TC/HDL ratio 3.9 (3.4–4.7) 3.6 (2.9–4.3) 3.6 (3.1–4.6) −0.13 (−0.82–0.43) −3 (−26.7–11.7) 0.173 −0.31 (−0.97–0.16) −8.1 (−22.7–4.7) <0.001 0.2 (−0.5–0.7) 5.3 (−15.5–22.8) 0.235
Body Weight (Kg) 78 (71–88) 80 (71–89) 79 (65–85) −0.5 (−3–4) −0.6 (−4.1–5.1) 1.000 1.5 (0–3) 2 (0–3.8) 0.026 −2 (−5–4) −2.2 (−7.8–5.1) 0.236
BMI (Kg/m2) 26 (24–29) 27 (25–29) 25 (24–28) 0 (−1.01–1.55) 0 (−3.8–6.1) 0.936 0.4 (0–0.9) 1.6 (0–3.7) 0.125 −0.3 (−1.8–1.4) −1.1 (−6.4–5.3) 0.554
Creatinine (mg/dL) 0.90 (0.82–1.0) 0.98 (0.81–1.1) 1.0 (0.88–1.2) 0.05 (−0.03–0.15) 4.1 (−2.9–16.7) 0.001 0 (−0.03–0.07) 0 (−3–6.3) 0.317 0 (0–1) 1.3 (−3.7–16) 0.061
eGFR 83 (71–94) 78 (69–92) 72 (63–88) −4.85 (−16.73–3.83) −6.2 (−17.4–4.1) 0.016 −0.7 (−6.1–1.3) −0.7 (−7.1–1.9) 0.036 −2.2 (−12–4.7) −3.1 (−15.4–6.7) 0.114
AST (mg/dL) 21 (18–24) 20 (17–23) 21 (19–26) 1 (−3–5) 7.7 (−13.6–26) 0.239 −1 (−4–2) −4.7 (−18.4–15.2) 0.160 0 (−2–4) 0 (−11.9–2.2) 0.345
ALT (mg/dL) 21 (17–26) 21 (16–25) 19 (15–31) −1 (−5–7) −4.8 (−24.4–3.2) 0.716 1 (−4–2) −5.9 (−18.8–12.5) 0.251 –1 (−5–6) −5.3 (−24.4–30) 0.970