a, (top) Average binding profile of Cut&Run signal at
the indicated binding regions (± 3000-bp peak summit) identified in
asynchronous (asyn) and mitotic (mit) mouse ES cells. Average binding profiles
represent reads per million (RPM); the y-axis is scaled by median asynchronous
binding. (bottom) Scatter plots of Cut&Run signal in reads per million at
the designated regions (± 250-bp peak summit) in asynchronous and mitotic
mouse ES cells. Linear regression of RPM value for asynchronous cells divided by
the value for mitotic cells were estimated and regression slopes are shown in
red. Grey dashed lines indicate the random background. b, Heatmap
of SMARCB1 and SMARCE1 peaks in asynchronous and mitotic mouse ES cells (four
replicates were pooled together). c, GO analysis of genes bound by
asynchronous-specific, mitosis-specific, asynchronous+ mitosis shared
(bookmarked), and mitosis bound at any time (bookmarked+ mitosis-specific)
SMARCE1 and SMARCB1 peaks using GREAT in asynchronous and mitotic mouse ES
cells. Size of the circle represents ratio of observed (Obs) versus expected
(Exp) frequency, and p-value was calculated by two- sided Fisher’s exact
test. d, Fifteen chromatin states were defined by ChromHMM using
seven histone marks. Genome coverage, histone-mark possibilities and the feature
distributions of SWI/SNF subunits, ESRRB and SOX2 on chromatin are shown for
each chromatin state in both asynchronous and mitotic mouse ES cells.
e, Genomic distribution of asyn- specific, asyn- and mit-
shared, and mit- specific peaks of SMARCE1 and SMARCB1. Data are compiled from
four (Cut&Run for SMARCE1 and SMARCB1) and two (Cut&Run for SOX2, ESRRB,
SMARCA4, BRD9, and ARID1A) replicates respectively.