a, Images showing mouse ES cells stably expressing
H2B-mCherry. b, c, d, e,
PCR-based genotyping assay validating the generation of the
Sox2-Egfp (b),
Smarca4-Egfp (c),
Smarcb1-Egfp (d), and
Smarce1-Egfp (e)
homozygous knock-in mouse ES cells. f, g, Western
blot validating SOX2-EGFP and SMARCA4-EGFP (f), and
SMARCB1-EGFP and SMARCE1-EGFP (g) protein expression, with H3
or GAPDH as loading control. h, i, j,
Glycerol gradient and immunoblot performed on H2B-mCherry parental cells and
Smarca4-Egfp (h),
Smarcb1-Egfp (i), and
Smarce1-Egfp (j) clones
of mouse ES cells which were used for live-cell imaging. k,
Representative live-cell imaging of asynchronous mouse ES cells stably
expressing H2B- mCherry with endogenously tagged EGFP at the C-terminal of
SMARCA4, SMARCB1, and SMARCE1, respectively. Scale bar: 10 μm. Data
are representative of single experiments that assess several independent
clones for genotype (b, c, d,
e, f, g) and live-cell imaging
(k). Data are representative of two independent replicates
(h, i, j).