Crickets |
Bacteria |
Acinetobacter, Enterococcus |
Water- or food-borne disease in humans |
(109) |
Crickets |
Bacteria |
Bacillus cereus
listed as biologically hazardous in edible insects |
(111) |
Crickets and locust |
Gordiidae |
Intestinal parasites |
(114) |
Crickets and locusts |
Fungi |
Nosema spp. |
Decrease dry matter consumption, increase mortality in mass-reared insect colonies and reduce profitability |
Cockroaches |
Protozoans |
Gregarine spp.; Nyctotherus spp. |
Deprive insects of nutrients and compromise the immune system, reproduction and lifespan |
Cockroaches |
Nematode |
Thelastoma spp.; Hammerschmidtiella diesigni (Hammerschmidt) |
Lower fat content of insect body |
Crickets and locusts |
– |
Steinernema spp. |
Have a special structure for storing the bacteria. Once inside the insect’s body, the bacteria are released that produce toxins, which kill the insect. |
Mealworms, house crickets, cockroaches and locusts |
Protozoans |
Cryptosporidium spp. |
Cause chronic diarrhoea in reptiles |
Mealworms, house crickets, cockroaches and locusts |
Protozoans |
Isospora spp. |
Cause isosporiasis in both immunosuppressed humans and in animals who ingest oocytes |
Mealworms, cockroaches and locusts |
Protozoans (Ciliates) |
Balantidium spp. |
Can cause balantidiasis in humans and animals |
(17) |
Mealworms, cockroaches and locusts |
Amoeboids |
Entamoeba spp. (E. histolytica and E. invadens) |
Can cause dysentery in humans, animals, reptiles, and amphibians |
(17) |
Mealworms, house crickets, cockroaches and locusts |
– |
Cestoda |
Colonize insects and aids in transmitting tapeworms to birds, insectivorous animals, and humans |
(110) |
Mealworms and cockroaches |
Nematodes |
Pharyngodon spp. |
Colonize wild and captive animals, e.g., lizards |
Mealworms, house crickets, cockroaches and locusts |
Nematodes |
Physaloptera spp. |
Influence insect behavior |
Mealworms and cockroaches |
– |
Spiruroidea |
Colonize mainly animals, but can also infec thumans who consume infected intermediate hosts |
Mealworms and cockroaches |
Thorny-headed worms |
Acanthocephala |
Decreases immune reactivity in cockroaches. Can compromise glycogen and lipid levels in crustaceans |
Cockroaches |
Arthropods |
Pentastomida |
Causes pentastomiasis in wild and captive reptiles |
Black soldier fly larvae/rearing substrates |
Bacteria |
Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium, Escherichia coli, Salmonella and
Could be pathogenic to livestock fed contaminated feed supplements (larval meal) |
(112) |
Frass of black soldier fly larvae |
Phytopathogenic fungi |
Cause irregular and unhealthy leaf appearance in lettuce plants |
(113) |