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. 2023 Jun 14;10:1113219. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2023.1113219

Table 4.

List of diseases/pathogens transmitted by edible insects.

Vector Pathogen group Type of pathogen Pathology notes Reference
Crickets Bacteria Acinetobacter, Enterococcus Water- or food-borne disease in humans (109)
Crickets Bacteria Bacillus cereus listed as biologically hazardous in edible insects (111)
Crickets and locust Gordiidae Intestinal parasites (114)
Crickets and locusts Fungi Nosema spp. Decrease dry matter consumption, increase mortality in mass-reared insect colonies and reduce profitability
Cockroaches Protozoans Gregarine spp.; Nyctotherus spp. Deprive insects of nutrients and compromise the immune system, reproduction and lifespan
Cockroaches Nematode Thelastoma spp.; Hammerschmidtiella diesigni (Hammerschmidt) Lower fat content of insect body
Crickets and locusts Steinernema spp. Have a special structure for storing the bacteria. Once inside the insect’s body, the bacteria are released that produce toxins, which kill the insect.
Mealworms, house crickets, cockroaches and locusts Protozoans Cryptosporidium spp. Cause chronic diarrhoea in reptiles
Mealworms, house crickets, cockroaches and locusts Protozoans Isospora spp. Cause isosporiasis in both immunosuppressed humans and in animals who ingest oocytes
Mealworms, cockroaches and locusts Protozoans (Ciliates) Balantidium spp. Can cause balantidiasis in humans and animals (17)
Mealworms, cockroaches and locusts Amoeboids Entamoeba spp. (E. histolytica and E. invadens) Can cause dysentery in humans, animals, reptiles, and amphibians (17)
Mealworms, house crickets, cockroaches and locusts Cestoda Colonize insects and aids in transmitting tapeworms to birds, insectivorous animals, and humans (110)
Mealworms and cockroaches Nematodes Pharyngodon spp. Colonize wild and captive animals, e.g., lizards
Mealworms, house crickets, cockroaches and locusts Nematodes Physaloptera spp. Influence insect behavior
Mealworms and cockroaches Spiruroidea Colonize mainly animals, but can also infec thumans who consume infected intermediate hosts
Mealworms and cockroaches Thorny-headed worms Acanthocephala Decreases immune reactivity in cockroaches. Can compromise glycogen and lipid levels in crustaceans
Cockroaches Arthropods Pentastomida Causes pentastomiasis in wild and captive reptiles
Black soldier fly larvae/rearing substrates Bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium, Escherichia coli, Salmonella and Enterococcus Could be pathogenic to livestock fed contaminated feed supplements (larval meal) (112)
Frass of black soldier fly larvae Phytopathogenic fungi Cercospora Cause irregular and unhealthy leaf appearance in lettuce plants (113)