Mouse serum antibody adherence inhibition against ETEC field isolates expressing adhesin CS7 (JF2327), CS12 (JF3276), CS14 (JF2125), CS17 (JF2350), or CS21 (JF2101). Bacteria adherence to Caco-2 cells (%) from each ETEC isolate incubation with mouse sera from the group immunized with adhesin MEFA-II (white box), adhesin MEFA-II and adjuvant dmLT (gray box), or PBS (black box). Adherent bacteria were overnight cultured on agar plates and CFU were counted, with the CFU from the bacteria treated with the control mouse serum referred to as 100% (of adherence). Boxes and bars represented the means and standard deviations of the adherent bacteria (CFU in %). *** indicated a P-value of less than 0.0001.