a, Immunoblot of total ACC and ACC serine 79 phosphorylation in HeLa cells cultured for 24 hours in media +lipids or −lipids without or with phenformin (100μM), pyruvate (1mM, Pyr), lactate (10mM, Lac), and/or acetate (200μM, Ac) as indicated. b, Immunoblot of FASN, phosphorylated PDHA (Serine 232, Serine 293, and Serine 300), total PHDA, PDK1, PDP1, and Vinculin in HeLa cells starved of lipids over time. c, Immunoblot of FASN, phosphorylated PDHA (Serine 293), total PDHA, and Vinculin in HeLa or H1299 cells overexpressing eGFP or constitutively mature SREBP1a. d, Immunoblot of phosphorylated PDHA (Serine 293) and Vinculin in HeLa cultured in −lipids for 24hrs, treated with vehicle, phenformin, antimycin, pyruvate, and/or alpha-ketobutyrate at the indicated doses.