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. 2023 Jun 15;14:1170436. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2023.1170436


Summary of the scientific evidence of the anti-fibrotic role of autophagy in IBD. HIF, human intestinal fibroblasts; UC; Ulcerative Colitis; CD, Crohn Disease; IBD, inflammatory bowel disease; TNBS, 2,4,6-Trinitrobenzene-1-sulfonic acid; DSS, Dextran sulfate sodium; TGFβ1, transforming growth factor beta 1; LC3, Microtubule-associated protein 1A/1B-light chain 3; mTOR, mammalian target of rapamycin; ATG, autophagy-related gen; ULK1, Unc-51-like kinase-1; ECM, extracellular matrix; FGF, Fibroblast Growth Factor; PARP, poly-ADP ribose polymerase; COL, collagen; TIMP, tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases; MMP, metalloproteinases; ITGB6, integrin subunit beta 6; α-SMA, Alpha Smooth Muscle Actin; IL, interleukin; CTGF, Connective Tissue Growth Factor; EMT, epithelial mesenchymal transition; ERK, Ras-dependent extracellular signal-regulated kinase, SNAIL, zinc-finger transcription factor.

Intestinal fibrotic samples Treatment Autophagy Fibrosis
(Luna, Masamunt, Rickmann, et al., 2011a) Primary HIFs from UC, CD and controls Tocotrienols (+) ↑LC3II ↑autophagic vacuoles ↓ECM proteins (↓procollagen type I and laminin) ↓fibroblast proliferation (↓FGF, ↑apoptosis (CASPASES-3, -8, and -9, PARP))
(Ortiz-Masiá et al., 2014) IBD samples - (−) ↑ P62, p-mTOR ↓LC3II -
(Cosin-Roger et al., 2019) Murine heterotopic transplant model - (−) ↑ P62 ↓Lc3II/I, Beclin-1 ↑Col1a1, Col3a1, Vimentin, Tgfβ1, Timp1, Mmp2, Snail1, Snail2, Itgb6
Murine heterotopic transplant model 3-Methyladenine (−) ↑ P62 ↓Lc3II/I, Beclin-1 ↑Col1a1, Col3a1, Vimentin, Tgfβ1, Timp1, Mmp2, Snail1, Snail2, Itgb6
Murine heterotopic transplant model Rapamycin (+) ↓ P62 ↑Lc3II/I, Beclin-1 ↓Col1a1, Col31, Vimentin, Tgfβ1, Timp1, Mmp2, Snail1, Snail2, Itgb6
Primary HIFs TGFβ1 No significant changes (P62) ↑Col1A1
Primary HIFs Rapamycin/TGFβ1 (+) ↓ P62 ↓Col1A1
Primary HIFs Bafilomycin/TGFβ1 (−) ↑ P62 ↑LC3II/I ↑Col1A1
(Holvoet et al., 2017) Murine DSS model/Myofibroblasts - No significant changes (Lc3II/I) ↑Il6, Tgfβ1, Mmp2, Mmp3, Mmp8, Mmp9, Mmp12, α-Sma
Murine DSS model/Myofibroblasts AMA0825 (+) ↑Lc3II/I ↓IL6, TGFβ1, MMP2, MMP8, MMP9, MMP12, α-SMA
Human biopsies AMA0825 (+) - ↓MMP2-3-9-12¸TGFβ1, IL6
Primary HIFs TGFβ1 (+) ↑ Autophagosomes ↓ P62 ↑MMP2, IL6, COL1A1, CTGF, TGFβ1 (+) Myofibroblast transition (↓F-ACTIN, VIMENTIN)
Primary HIFs AMA0825/TGFβ1 (+) ↑↑ Autophagosomes ↓↓ P62 ↓ MMP2-12, TGFβ1, CTGF, COL1A1 (−) Myofibroblast transition (↓F-ACTIN, VIMENTIN)
(Butera et al., 2022, 147) Murine TNBS model - ↑Lc3II/I ↑ α-Sma, TGFβ1, CD147, Ctgf, Col1a2, Col3a1, p-Erk1/2, Il-6, and Il-23, Il-17, Il-13, Il-36, Il-34
Murine TNBS model AC-73 (+) ↑Lc3II/I ↓ α-Sma, Ctgf, Col1a2, Col3a1, P-Erk1/2, Il-6, and Il-23, Il-17, Il-13, Il-36, Il-34
(Zeng et al., 2022) Murine DSS model/Intestinal epithelial cells (IEC) - (−) ↑ P62, Lc3ii/Lc3i ↓Atg7, Atg9b, Atg14, Ulk1 ↑ α-Sma, Col1a2, Col3a1 ↑EMT (↓E-cadherin, ↑N-cadherin, Vimentin)
Resolvin D1 (+) ↓ P62, Lc3II/I ↑Atg7, Atg9b, Atg14, Ulk1 ↓ α-Sma, Col1a2, Col3a1 ↓EMT (↑E-cadherin, ↓N-cadherin, Vimentin)
HT-29 Chloroquine (−) ↑ P62, LC3II/LC3I ↑EMT (↓E-CADHERIN, ↑N-CADHERIN, VIMENTIN)
HT-29 Chloroquine/Resolvin D1 (+) - ↓EMT (↑E-CADHERIN, ↓N-CADHERIN, VIMENTIN, SNAIL2)
(Arab, Al-Shorbagy, y Saad, 2021) Murine TNBS model Dapagliflozin (+) ↑Beclin1 ↑AMPK/mTOR ↓ P62 ↓ colonic apoptosis (↓capase.3, ↓Bax/Bcl2-2) ↓ Inflammation (↓ HMGB1/RAGE/NF-kβ) ↓ROS (↑Nrf2/HO-1)