COVID-19 CFR from FAERS and from OWID, US. (A) CFR in percent computed for the complete FAERS COVID-19 dataset for the US (all patients with COVID-19, irrespective of treatment or indication) during the baseline period (first bin, and dashed line with 95% confidence interval drawn over the entire plot range for reference) and for 20% bins in vaccination coverage (at least one dose). Bins are indicated as (lower bound, upper bound], and the baseline period is defined as the period before the first vaccination was administered. Since a coverage of 80% had not yet been achieved at the time of data collection, we denote bins starting from 60% or higher coverage as “> x,” indicating that these bins include all data from coverage levels higher than x. The 95% confidence intervals were estimated using bootstrap resampling, and asterisks mark data points where the CFR is significantly different from the CFR during the baseline period (p-value from resampling, Benjamini-Hochberg with an accepted FDR of 5% over all bins and treatment groups to adjust for multiple testing). The grey line shows the CFR for OWID data for reference, with data points where the CFR is significantly lower than during the baseline period shown in a darker grey. (B) Cumulative CFR from OWID data (blue dashed line) and the entire FAERS COVID-19 dataset (all patients with COVID-19, irrespective of treatments or indications, green solid line), for the US. The first vaccination was administered on 13 December 2020 (vertical solid red line), the first Alpha variant case was confirmed on 29 December 2020 (vertical dot-dashed orange line), and the first Omicron variant case was confirmed on 1 December 2021 (vertical dotted pink line). Abbreviations: CFR: Case Fatality Rate; COVID-19: Corona Virus Disease-2019; FAERS: FDA Adverse Event Reporting System; OWID: Our World In Data.