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. 2023 Mar 31;2(3):100090. doi: 10.1016/j.cellin.2023.100090

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2

SAH binding by METTL9. (A) Overall structure of METTL9 (white ribbon) bound to SAH (blue sticks). Four SAH binding motifs are colored coded in pale green (Motif I), orange (Post I), red (motif II), and pink (Motif III), respectively. (B) Surface representation of METTL9 bound to SAH. Orientation and color code are the same as in (A). (C) Sequence alignment of human METTL9 and representative orthologs in vertebrates. Four SAH binding motifs are colored same as in (A). Olive square, hydrophobic interaction residues. Cyan triangles, hydrogen bonding residues. (D) Details of SAH binding pocket. 2Fo-Fc omit maps of SAH is contoured at 2.0 σ level. Sticks, residues directly participate in SAH binding; Cyan spheres, water molecules; Yellow dashes, hydrogen bonding interactions. (E) Water-mediated hydrogen-bonding network in SAH recognition. (F) ITC fitting curves of wild-type and mutant METTL9 titrated with SAH. KD values are listed with standard deviations. N.D., not detected. (For Interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend the readers is referred to the web version of this article.)