Structural comparison between METTL9 and CARNMT1.(A) Structural alignment of METTL9 (cyan) and CARNMT1(orange). SAH or Sinefungin is depicted as blue sticks, methyl acceptor substrates are colored yellow. (B) Substrate histidine recognition and catalysis by METTL9 and CARNMT1. Key residues are shown as sticks. (C) Comparison of substrate binding pocket of METTL9 and CARNMT1. Left, CARNMT1 dimer; middle, covering of the SAH and peptide access channel by L15; right, structural alignment of METTL9 and CARNMT1 monomers, highlighting the conformational difference between L14 of CARNMT1 and L15 of METTL9. (For Interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend the readers is referred to the web version of this article.)