Fig. 6.
The trend in the most important input variables around the actual DW changes
The trends of the top three most important input variables in the model to predict an upward DW change (a–c) and predict a downward DW change (d–f)
(a) median systolic blood pressure, (b) median average blood pressure, and (c) median diastolic blood pressure declined at the time of the upward DW change
(d) CRP level was elevated, (e) pre-dialysis albumin level declined, (f) median systolic blood pressure was slightly elevated at the time of the downward DW change. Shaded areas indicate 95% confidence intervals
Horizontal axis: the number of dialysis sessions along the time
sBP, systolic blood pressure; dBP, diastolic blood pressure; CRP, C-reactive protein; HD, hemodialysis