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. 2023 Jun 15;17:1151892. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2023.1151892

Table 2.

Summary of all included studies.

References Intervention(s) Sample size Age (years) Intervention duration (sessions/weeks) Area of treatment Comparison and outcome measure Results Adverse effects Duration migraine Evidence level*
Cao et al. (2021), China G1; taVNS = NR; 20-Hz. G2; taVNS = NR 1 Hz; N = 24 31.33 ± 1.55 taVNS stimulation lasted about 8 min. Unique session Left concha (cymba and cavum) VAS, MSQ, SDS, SAS, number migraines fMRI
G1 vs. G2
G2; taVNS (1Hz) improved FC in PAG, bilateral MCC, right precuneus/posterior cingulate cortex, left MFG, left cuneus, left insula, ACC. Number migraines better with 1Hz ta-VNS. NS VAS, MSQ, SDS, SAS None 8.68 ± 1.47 y. 2
Wei et al. (2022), China G1; EA G2; healthy people N = 30 32.285 ± 6.41 2Hz, 1 mA for 8 min until the end of fMRI scan GB 8 HRSD-17 & HRSA-14 G1 could inprove (GB8) FC between the right insula subregions and parietal lobe, namely, the right dAI and right postcentral gyrus, and the right PI and left precuneus None 16.20 ± 8.19 3
Sacca et al. (2022), USA G1; taVNS =; 1-Hz. G2; taVNS = 20 Hz N = 20 31.33 ± 1.55 y taVNS stimulation 1Hz, 8 minutes, 4 mA, 2 session with fMRI scan Left concha (cymba and cavum) Migraine duration, number of migraine attacks, VAS,
Migraine Specific Quality of Life Questionnaire, fMRI
G1 Improved NTS/LC–occipital cortex sFC and a decrease of NTS-thalamus sFC, greater LC precuneus and LC–inferior parietal cortex sFC than G2. G1 decreased NTS–postcentral gyrus dFC than G2. G2 compared with baseline increase of the LC–anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) sFC. None 2
Zhang et al. (2021), China G1; taVNS = 33, 1Hz, 0.2ms
G2; Sham group = 26
N = 70 NR 30 min of 12 treatment sessions in total during the 4 week treatment Left cymba concha VAS
Migraine attack times
G1 vs. G2
G1 SF number of migraine days (p = 0.024)
SF (p = 0.008), migraine attack times (p = 0.015) NS MSQ, SAS, SDS fMRI
FC, occipital' thalamic seed and the bilateral PoG reduction of the migraine days (p = 0.016)
G2; NS
None 4.0 (1.9) days 4.0 (3.2) days 1
Luo et al. (2020), China G1; taVNS 1Hz,
G2s; tVNS
N = 27 29.85 ± 8.09 Unique session of MRI scan, total of six 20-min fMRI runs and 8 min ta-VNS CO11 and CO14, left cymba concha VAS, MSQ, SAS, SDS, fMRI
G1 vs. G2
G1; FC Improved, left amygdala, left MFG, right SMA, left dorsolateral superior frontal gyrus, bilateral paracentral lobules, bilateral postcingulum gyrus, and right frontal superior medial gyrus. Left FC and right SMA in frequency/time in migraine in 4 weeks. None NR;
Zhang et al. (2021), China G1; ta-VNS, 1Hz, 0.2ms.
G2; Sham ta-VNS
N = 26 32.50 ± 7.57 MRI session of 30 minutes Left cymba concha VAS, MSQ, SDS, SAS, fMRI
G1 vs. G2
G1 greater deactivation at the bilateral LC. rsFC the right temporoparietal junction and left secondary somatosensory cortex (S2) SF increased vs. G2 None 7.15 ± 2.87 Y. 3.23 ± 1.58 mo 3
Straube et al. (2015), Germany G1; taVNS 25 Hz, 250 μs, cycle: 30s on, 30 s off
G2; ta-VNS 1 Hz; 250 μs, cycle: 30s on, 30 s off
N = 46
N = 24
N = 22
41,55 ± 11,95 4 h per day during 12 weeks Concha of the outer ear Pain Imtensity (NRS), MIDAS, HIT-6, BDI
G1 vs. G2
G2 SF headache days, (p = 0.035). HIT-6 & MIDAS SF G1 & G2 Only 3 of 46 patients (7%) dropped out due to side effects of t-VNS. 20.4 ± 12.1 years
27.1 ± 13.0 years
Yang et al. (2014), China G1; AG;
G2; SAG;
G3; MG
N = 30 33.28 ± 8.03 30 min of unique session
30 min Sham acupucnture
40 min rest
TE8, TE19, GB33 VAS
G1 & G2 VAS SF (P < 0.05) MG NS(P = 0.047) AG vs. MG middle frontal gyrus, postcentral gyrus, the precuneus, parahippocampus, cerebellum and middle cingulate cortex (MCC), and decreased in the left hemisphere of (MTC) SAG vs. MG posterior cingulate cortex (PCC), insula, inferior temporal gyrus, MTC, superior temporal gyrus, postcentral gyrus, fusiform gyrus, inferior parietal lobe, superior parietal lobe, supramarginal gyrus, middle occipital lobe, angular and precuneus cerebellum, parahippocampus None NR
Vijayalakshmi et al. (2014), India G1; Electro acupuncture;
G2; Drug therapy
N = 60
N = 30 each group
NR 10 sessions for 30 days (0.5 mA; 10-20 Hz)
flunarizine 20 mg OD and tab. paracetamol 500
mg SOS for 30 days
DU 20, P.6, St.36, GB.41, GB.14, EM, LI.4, LI.10, ST.44, Ear points: Ear shenmen and Ear stomach (16) MIDAS
(P = 0.005–0.000) in all outcomes.
None NR

VAS, visual analog scale; MSQ, Migraine Specific Quality of Life; SDS, Self-rating Depression Scale; SAS, Self-rating Anxiety Scale; NVS, transcutaneous auricular-Nerve Vagus stimulation; fMRI, functional Magnetic Resonance Image; AG, Electro-acupuncture group; SAG, Sham Acupunture Group; MG, Migraineur Wait-List control Group; WHO QOL BREF.


Levels of Evidence based on the Quality Rating Scheme for Studies and Other Evidence modified from the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine for rating of individual studies; available online at

NR, Not reported; LC, locus coeruleus; rsFC, Resting state functional connectivity; SF, Significance; EA, Electro-acupuncture; PCC, Posterior cingulate cortex; MTC, Middle Temporal Cortex; SMA, supplementary motor area; MFG, middle frontal gyrus; MFC, Middle Frontal Cortex.