Table 1. Distribution of the sociodemographic characteristics of the sample.
Variables | n (%) |
Age | |
20 to 39 | 356 (43.4) |
40 to 44 | 105 (12.8) |
45 to 69 | 359 (43.8) |
Educational level | |
Illiterate/incomplete elementary school | 9 (1.1) |
Completed elementary school/completed high school | 376 (45.9) |
Completed high school or technical school/incomplete undergraduate education | 339 (41.3) |
Complete undergraduate education | 96 (11.7) |
Monthly family income (minimum wages) | |
≤ 2 | 448 (54.6) |
> 2 and ≤4 | 307 (37.4) |
> 4 | 65 (8.0) |
Living área | |
Rural area | 762 (92.9) |
Urban area | 58 (7.1) |
Marital status | |
Single | 242 (28.5) |
Married/Stable union | 454 (55.4) |
Separated/Divorced | 78 (9.5) |
Widow | 46 (5.6) |