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. 2023 Jun 16;17:1208974. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2023.1208974


Effects of opioids on the ECM.

Treatment Species Brain area Preharvest interval ECM effect Manipulation Behavioral effect References
Acute opioid exposure
Morphine and EM-2 incubation in vitro MCF-7 breast cancer cell line NA 3–72 h in culture Concentration-gradient ↓ of Mmp2 and Mmp9 by morphine and EM-2 NA NA Gach et al., 2011
Heroin IVSA cued RST Rat NAc 0 min Increased MMP-9 puncta around D1R MSNs MMP-2 and MMP-9 inhibitors MMP-9 inhibitors decrease cued reinstatement Chioma et al., 2021
Morphine incubation in vitro Human brain microvascular endothelial cells NA 24 h ↓ MMP-2, LAMA-4 NA NA Vujic et al., 2022
Chronic opioid exposure
Heroin IVSA, EXT and
Rat mPFC, NAc, striatum 21 days (EXT) EXT: ↓ TNR and BCAN in NAc, ↓ 145 kDa BCAN in mPFC i.c.v. FN439 injection Decreased cue-induced heroin RST Van den Oever et al., 2010
0 min (RST) RST: ↓ TNR in NAc
Heroin IVSA RST Rat NAc 15 min after RST ↑ MMP-9 by cue exposure NA NA Smith et al., 2014
Escalating morphine and
naloxone mediated
Rat Spinal cord (laminae I-VII) 48 h Significant increase of MMP-9 in morphine treated animals Intrathecal MMP-9 inhibition ↓ Morphine withdrawal Liu et al., 2010
No effect on pain-threshold or morphine-induced analgesia
Heroin IVSA forced
Rat IL-PFC and vOFC 1 day 1 day: ↑ PNNs in IL and OFC NA NA Roura-Martinez et al., 2020
30 d 30 days: No PNN changes compared to controls
Opioid use disorder Human DL-PFC and NAc Postmortem ↑ Differentially expressed transcripts related to CS-GAG biosynthesis in DL-PFC, NAc NA NA Seney et al., 2021
Opioid use disorder Human Midbrain Postmortem (overdose) ↑ IL-4 in opioid overdoses NA NA Wei et al., 2023

Acute (top) and chronic (bottom) effects of opioids on ECM molecules. Preharvest interval denotes the time between the most recent drug exposure and euthanasia. CPP, conditioned place preference; IVSA, intravenous drug self-administration; NAc, nucleus accumbens; HPC, hippocampus; PFC, prefrontal cortex; IL, infralimbic; PL, prelimbic; VTA, ventral tegmental area; LH, lateral hypothalamus; OFC, orbitofrontal cortex; MMP, matrix metalloproteinase; chABC, chondroitinase ABC; PNN, perineuronal net; TNR, tenascin-R; LAMA, laminin; tPA, tissue plasminogen activator; HS, heparan sulfate; D1R/D2R, dopamine 1 and 2 receptors; MSN, medium spiny neuron; IL, interleukin.