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. 2023 May 24;2(2):e00035. doi: 10.1097/PN9.0000000000000035

Table 1.

Descriptive characteristics of participants by self-reported race/ethnicity.

Total sample (n = 8510)* Non-Hispanic Black (n = 4027, 47.3%) Hispanic (n = 2428, 28.6%) Non-Hispanic White (n = 1007, 11.8%) P value
Education <0.001
 Elementary school only 546 (6.4%) 85 (2.1%) 406 (16.7%) 16 (1.6%)
 Some secondary school 2186 (25.7%) 882 (21.9%) 900 (37.1%) 180 (17.9%)
 High school graduate 2825 (33.2%) 1472 (36.6%) 664 (27.3%) 362 (35.9%)
 Some college 1659 (19.5%) 216 (23.6%) 308 (12.7%) 216 (21.4%)
 Completed college or higher education 1294 (15.2%) 638 (15.8%) 150 (6.2%) 233 (23.1%)
Yearly income category <0.001
 <$15,000/year 2687 (31.6%) 1349 (33.5%) 756 (31.1%) 304 (30.2%)
 ≥$15,000–<$30,000/year 1632 (19.2%) 852 (21.2%) 440 (18.1%) 136 (13.5%)
 ≥$30,000–<$50,000/year 677 (8.0%) 336 (8.3%) 132 (5.4%) 97 (9.6%)
 ≥$50,000/year 480 (5.6%) 146 (3.6%) 56 (2.3%) 195 (19.4%)
 Do not know 3034 (35.7%) 1344 (33.4%) 1044 (43.0%) 275 (27.3%)
Immigration <0.001
 Born in the US 5213 (61.3%) 2244 (55.7%) 1962 (80.8%) 174 (79.5%)
 Born outside the US 3292 (38.7%) 1781 (44.2%) 463 (19.1%) 833 (20.5%)
 Refuse to answer 5 (0.1%) 2 (0.005%) 3 (0.1%) 0
Maternal age at delivery (Median, IQR) 27.8 (23.0, 32.9) 28.4 (23.1, 33.6) 26.5 (22.2, 31.6) 28.0 (24.0, 32.6) <0.001
Pre-pregnancy BMI (Median, IQR) 24.7 (21.6, 29.0) 25.7 (22.3, 30.0) 24.5 (21.8, 28.3) 23.5 (20.9, 27.5) <0.001
Parity <0.001
 Primiparous 4847 (57.0%) 2375 (59.0%) 1438 (59.2%) 493 (49.0%)
 Multiparous 3663 (43.0%) 1652 (41.0%) 990 (40.8%) 514 (51.0%)
Sex of child 0.74
 Male 4370 (50.0%) 2053 (49.7%) 1248 (50.0%) 512 (49.6%)
 Female 4364 (50.0%) 2075 (50.3%) 1246 (50.0%) 520 (50.4%)
Tobacco <0.001
 Never 6097 (32.4%) 2990 (74.9%) 1968 (81.8%) 325 (32.4%)
 Only before pregnancy 1313 (15.6%) 604 (15.1%) 309 (12.8%) 252 (25.1%)
 Smoked during pregnancy 1032 (12.2%) 399 (10.0%) 130 (5.4%) 427 (42.5%)
Alcohol <0.001
 None during pregnancy 7747 (91.0%) 3682 (91.4%) 2266 (93.3%) 841 (83.5%)
 Drank during pregnancy 763 (9.0%) 345 (8.6%) 162 (6.7%) 166 (16.5%)
Cannabis <0.001
 None during pregnancy 8178 (96.1%) 3821 (94.9%) 2391 (98.5%) 951 (94.4%)
 Cannabis during pregnancy 332 (3.9%) 206 (5.1%) 37 (1.5%) 56 (5.6%)
Opioids <0.001
 None during pregnancy 8170 (96.0%) 3997 (99.3%) 2393 (98.6%) 749 (74.4%)
 Opioids during pregnancy 340 (4.0%) 30 (0.7%) 35 (1.4%) 258 (25.6%)
Cocaine <0.001
 None during pregnancy 8420 (98.9%) 3991 (99.1%) 2412 (99.3%) 971 (99.8%)
 Cocaine during pregnancy 90 (1.1%) 36 (0.9%) 16 (0.7%) 36 (0.2%)
Any substance use during pregnancy 2167 (25.5%) 945 (23.5%) 382 (15.7%) 633 (62.9%) <0.001
Smoking and additional substances <0.001
 Only smoking during pregnancy 952 (10.9%) 233 (22.6%) 174 (7.0%) 430 (15.2%)
 Any substances except tobacco during pregnancy 568 (6.5%) 113 (10.9%) 132 (5.3%) 211 (7.5%)
 Smoking and at least 1 additional substance during pregnancy 730 (8.4%) 302 (29.3%) 95 (3.8%) 277 (9.8%)
Illicit substance use during pregnancy 656 (7.7%) 248 (6.2%) 72 (3.0%) 290 (28.8%) <0.001
Hypertension 1446 (17.0%) 815 (20.2%) 325 (13.4%) 138 (13.7%) <0.001
Pre-eclampsia 832 (9.8%) 459 (11.4%) 216 (8.9%) 68 (6.8%) <0.001
Spontaneous preterm birth 1522 (17.9%) 736 (18.3%) 401 (16.5%) 213 (21.2%) 0.006
Medically indicated preterm birth 800 (9.2%) 420 (10.2%) 189 (7.6%) 87 (8.4%) 0.004
Gestational age (weeks, median (IQR)) 38.9 (36.7, 40.1) 38.6 (36.6, 40.1) 39.0 (37.0, 40.1) 38.7 (36.4, 40.0) <0.001

P value reflects χ2 tests for categorical variables and one-way ANOVA tests for continuous variables.


We report non-Hispanic Black, Hispanic, and non-Hispanic white subgroups, however an additional 1048 individuals reported race/ethnicity as: Asian, Pacific Islander, Cape Verdean, Native American/American Indian, Alaskan Native, multiracial/mixed race, and other categories. These additional groups did not have sufficient sample size as stratified categories.

Smoking, alcohol, cannabis, opioids, or cocaine.

Cannabis, opioids, or cocaine (regardless of drinking alcohol or smoking tobacco during pregnancy).