Figure 17.
Porous structures. (a) Sponge-structured PDMS film and TENG performance. Reprinted with permission from ref (123), Copyright 2014, John Wiley and Sons. (b)-(i) Schematic illustration of the preparation process of conductive elastic sponge by a dilute chemical polymerization method. SEM images of PANI nanowires with polymerization times of (b)-(ii) 6, (b)-(iii) 24, and (b)-(iv) 48 h. (b)-(v), (b)-(vi) Output performance of ES-TENG with different polymerization times. Reprinted with permission from ref (184), Copyright 2021, Elsevier. (c)-(i) SEM image of the surfaces of porous cryogel films and (c)-(ii) output voltages of TENGs of various concentrations of cross-linker in the porous cryogel films. (c)-(iii) Mechanism for high performance of TENGs. Reprinted with permission from ref (185), Copyright 2020, Elsevier.