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[Preprint]. 2023 Jun 12:2023.06.09.544396. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2023.06.09.544396

Figure 2 |. Identification of downregulated inosines with short- and long-read RNA-Seq.

Figure 2 |

a, Experimental workflow of ADAR knockdown in H1975 cells. b, Western blot validation of ADAR knockdown. c, Volcano plot of differentially expressed genes identified from Illumina sequencing. Red: genes with increased expressed after ADAR knockdown; blue: genes whose expression went down; black: no change in expression. d, Venn diagram comparison of the significantly downregulated inosines identified with Illumina, R2C2 nanopore, or present in the REDIportal database (hg38 liftover). e, IGV browser view of a downregulated inosine at chr14:52775760 in GNPNAT1 in the R2C2 data.